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Seb Lewis



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    I did 144 successively, early 80's. 850? Mental (Doffs hat).
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    seth plum said:

    A loyalty God.
    Just after Bob Prefers was appointed we had a behind closed doors friendly against Southend at Sparrows Lane. I went ( yeah I know saddo) to watch from a gap in the greenery on the adjacent footpath, it ended with about six of us there including Seb and his brother.

    I've seen Seb around but not his brother. Seb always appears to be at games alone?
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    Flipping unbelievable!
    What a loyal customer
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    Notice the run started in1998. Premiership plastic!!!

    Someone said on another thread his fest was mentioned by Colchester on their scoreboard. If so nice touch.
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    Well done Seb what a legend.
    For attending 850 consecutive games you deserve something special.

    Dedication that some people may believe to be quite an insane amount...but it's love like unconditional love.

    Perhaps the bitch upstairs could arrange for seb to sit on the sofa against Blackburn as a treat...

    So he could do the worm!

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    Amazing customer of Charlton!
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    Well done Seb, an unbelievable achievement - particularly when bearing in mind some of the awful times seen in that period of time.
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    I wonder how much money it costs to go to that many games with the travelling, hotels, surely £50,000 minimum, amazing!
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    edited January 2016
    Great to see Seb's incredible achievement recognised on the club website but I just find the second to last paragraph such an insult, especially to him but also to the the rest of us, are they actually serious?

    Perhaps we can turn this to our advantage, if they think so much of him perhaps we could send all our grievances to Seb and he can compile them all into one e-mail to send the puppet liar... surely she'll have to reply to him as, by their own words, everyone at the club is so proud and think so much of him?

    As an aside, personal congratulations from me to Seb, true dedication and the very essence of everything that the Liar doesn't understand about us.
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    I did 144 successively, early 80's. 850? Mental (Doffs hat).

    I got up to 274 in the late 80's / early 90's - then I realised it wasn't going to get any better

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    Well done Seb, 850 consecutive meals at the same restaurant, a truly unique achievement:-).
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    Hats off to Seb last night too who after we had been cajoled 'Charlton give us a song' for what seemed like forever, stood up alone and gave them Valley Floyd Road.
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    Seb should be given the freedom of the valley , a free season ticket for life, Seb keep going to the games we will do the boycotting for you , they should also AV u on the board showing em wot it means to support our great club.
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    Just been mentioned on Talksport, his fame spreads!
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    I genuinely believe he should be inducted into the hall of fame. Charlton has always been more than just about the football. Hearing about his 850 games has been a lone bright spot in a sea of doom and gloom surrounding this club.

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    edited January 2016

    Hats off to Seb last night too who after we had been cajoled 'Charlton give us a song' for what seemed like forever, stood up alone and gave them Valley Floyd Road.

    Mind you we did sing a bit earlier a gallows humour 'We're losing 2-0 how sh*t must you be it's only 2-0' which on reflection came back to haunt us :disappointed: . I congratulated Seb personally on his achievement and on that note @donnyaddick how did the date go? :wink:
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    MrOneLung said:

    Notice the run started in1998. Premiership plastic!!!

    Someone said on another thread his fest was mentioned by Colchester on their scoreboard. If so nice touch. </blockquote?

    Will OUR club have the decency to do the same thing at our next home game?

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    Stig said:
    Meh.......I’d go and watch Millwall play to get out of a family wedding.
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    edited December 2017
    T_C_E said:

    LouisMend said:

    Don't forget that we have an exclusive interview with Sebbo in Charlton live this evening.

    I tell you what, you lot better leave my clobber alone in future. This @LouisMend has some rascal gear on and he's 10 years older than me ;)
    You can’t buy class. So I settled for the above.
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    Truly astonishing.
    I first remember seeing Seb on the away terrace at Stockport County - I wonder what number that was in the 850 game run?

    Well done again.
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