Very nicely done, and clearly a lot of work is going on behind the scenes. I applaud all of those who are putting there time, effort and money towards this.
Do feel a bit bad that poor Stephen Henderson is being used as a propaganda piece there. It's just that interview does not get any easier to watch .
It's probably a reenactment of Monty Python's Holy Grail "I will wave my private parts at you.....and fart in your general direction!"......hence the flash. Let's just hope the weather warms up a bit for this flash protest to be effective ;0)
I have not been to recent games, despite being a season ticket holder. However I will, on Saturday, undertake the 150 miles return journey to support the protest.
We have started down what will probably be a long road, I have been using GO CARD as a form of logo which if you use it whenever possible it should help to grow recognition of the problem, the needs, and the action which is taking place. We are getting great publicity in the media at the moment, but we will need to keep creating ideas, you could for instance add caps with CO CARD on the peak to go with the black and white scarves. Lets keep this thread open and active until we lose the owner.
Do feel a bit bad that poor Stephen Henderson is being used as a propaganda piece there. It's just that interview does not get any easier to watch
Seriously though, this campaign is fantastic. Hope the execution does it justice.
Do you have the legalities sorted, will you post bail if and when I get arrested (again) for indecent exposure ?
Especially relevant considering all the red!