As you'd expect, a very good summary of our woes living under the fiendish regime of Roland.
I see there's also a two page spread on the Olympic stadium - one from Simon Inglis (who doesn't think the view will be much cop, given the design and the distance from the pitch) and the other from Kevin Rye, a PR consultant and strategy manager for the 14 supporter trusts coalition. All good stuff.
A persuasive and balanced article by Airman in the latest issue (December), summarising developments since the summer in - as Katrien puts it - our 'war' with the regime.
For those utilising the library facilities at WH Smith, it's at page 9 - "Pearls before the swine."
I see there's also a two page spread on the Olympic stadium - one from Simon Inglis (who doesn't think the view will be much cop, given the design and the distance from the pitch) and the other from Kevin Rye, a PR consultant and strategy manager for the 14 supporter trusts coalition. All good stuff.
Always enjoy the letters page in WSC, a pearler this month talking about Jamie Carragher and prime factors.
For those utilising the library facilities at WH Smith, it's at page 9 - "Pearls before the swine."