How many first team squad British players have we recruited since he said that? We have been told by the owner that underestimating the Championship was a mistake - Judas must have know it was a mistake from the start. How can they view it as a mistake and not do anything to address it? We have a CEO, who lies, doesn't answer any e-mails, has stupid ideas and the idiot coward Duchatelet tells us she is great. He hasn't done one thing we have wanted him to do and hasn't promised to do on ething he needs to do. He doesn't come to games, he patronises us - he is a coward. As for Judas, why doesn't he speak out?
the financial rewards offered to family as well as himself as reported at the time.
Danny Murphy left because CAFC weren't a big enough Club for Mrs M,
No invites for red carpet events in London.
Scott Parker was offered a million loyalty payment plus wage increase but Chelsea who were lower in the league at the time offered a 15K a week increase on basic wage plus Chelsea were or are a bigger team ( a total shit house of a club who's scrum, once smashed up the Valley)
Richard Murray once a Hero,now a zero, is a Judas ?
Not for money,just his Ego.
He has backed the wrong side and his part in The Varney emails scandal, means there is no way back for him.
I know you said that in Jest Mendonca, but who is, and who is not a Judas
depends on the information, which is revealed or covered up.
I really am beginning to despise 'English' football...
If true, actually not quite 2000 years ago, if JC both was 33 and the son of somebody who thought he was Roland Duchatelet....