If Brighton win promotion this season it will be brilliant. The journey from that draw at Hereford to the prem is an epic saga, and I am glad that some fans of both clubs have mutual recognition of the rocky road both clubs and sets of fans have walked. What goes around comes around.
Very clever move by the Seaguls here when you think about it. They know it will be on the Palace Losers forum before long and that they will gnash teeth and wail about it. Great to have Palace in a pincer movement!
BHA are a class act - there definitely seems to be a bond between our two clubs borne out of shared experience and support for each other in bad times, as well as a mutual dislike of a particular stripey embarrassment of a football club....
I hope that they get promoted with the stripey mugs going in the opposite direction!
Hope their season continues in the same excellent form and they finally get to the Prem.
The games always feel like a friendly match in terms of atmosphere between the fans with the competitiveness thrown in on the pitch
Rest assured, this donation will be used wisely.
What goes around comes around.
Is £115 what you paid for JFC? Personally I was pleased to see the back of him!
Promises so much delivers so little. Let's hope he does it for you.
I hope that they get promoted with the stripey mugs going in the opposite direction!