leeds attack we cover bridcutt to coyle, cross, but well claimed by pope to harriott who attacks supported by kasha JBG to tex but leeds win ball, and fanni had to cover there
Pope takes FK towards igor, cant get it leeds throw leeds infield wood upfield, diarra supports fox leeds get it fox heads away for a throw on half way
our goal kick pope long igor beaten, and falls to leeds who attack on the left leeds play across bridcutt again run, cross, but header had no direction
on half way cross field we read intention and clear but leeds get it and come again lookman snapping around nearly worked but leeds attack kasha clears and is badly fouled there kasha upset with that
to be taken by pope, lookman nearly wriggles free, out for our throw fox and lookman, wriggles some more to fox cross and cleared out fox throw l;ookman leeds get it tho and break
jacko passed, the cross, but fox and lookman deal, however, falls back to leeds on the right lookman tries to cover leeds cross too long and our goal kick
Everybody assembles
and pope tips it over, cross shot
and a corner so more danger
and pope gets it, and cant find JBG, but we regain ball, harriott takes on his man and is taken out
igor not found and offside
on the left
diarra gets it
harriott JBG shot hits post
we approach but fanni can't reach it
and out for our throw
kasha to diarra
to tex
kasha again
and now jbg
diarra and jbg
igor run
but it gets to keper first
switch play
back with bridcutt, to pope
we cover
bridcutt to coyle, cross, but well claimed by pope
to harriott who attacks
supported by kasha
to tex
but leeds win ball, and fanni had to cover there
leeds throw
leeds infield
wood upfield, diarra supports fox
leeds get it
fox heads away for a throw on half way
look for a run
and tex beaten
and falls to cook snap shot wayward
pope long
igor beaten, and falls to leeds who attack
on the left
leeds play across
bridcutt again
run, cross, but header had no direction
ball picked off tho
harriott pulled an arm and a foul to leeds
cross field
we read intention and clear
but leeds get it and come again
lookman snapping around nearly worked
but leeds attack
kasha clears and is badly fouled there
kasha upset with that
kashi ok
and lookman, wriggles some more
to fox
and cleared out
fox throw
leeds get it tho and break
on the right
lookman tries to cover
leeds cross
too long and our goal kick