Buy the way I believe if a name end in 's' them they don't add 2 more, so Thomasson would be the name, not Thomassson.
I'd actually prefer it if there was a set amount of names you could choose from, stops people naming their offspring stuff like Pear, Infidelity, Stormtrooper or Cadillac.
Buy the way I believe if a name end in 's' them they don't add 2 more, so Thomasson would be the name, not Thomassson.
I'd actually prefer it if there was a set amount of names you could choose from, stops people naming their offspring stuff like Pear, Infidelity, Stormtrooper or Cadillac.
I think Pearsson wouldn't be too bad!
But what if it was stormtrooper pearsson and their son Cadillac Stormtroopersson and their son Infidelity Cadillacsson
Ronald Ronaldsson - which sounds like some sort of Artic Explorer
Oooh ! Dixon was my maiden name.
Another dream smashed.
makes my sister Betty Swallocksdottir
Wax on wax off!