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Savings and Investments thread



  • Would be interested to hear people's profit taking tactics/method? At what stage would you cream a bit of profit out of a fund?
    Nothing exotic, I had a few funds that were up 50+ In not a huge amount of time. I sold my original purchase value and left in the profit.

    The difficulty as always is then what to do with it, I used it to try and rebalance (I was too heavy in US and tech really).
  • Rob7Lee said:
    Would be interested to hear people's profit taking tactics/method? At what stage would you cream a bit of profit out of a fund?
    Nothing exotic, I had a few funds that were up 50+ In not a huge amount of time. I sold my original purchase value and left in the profit.

    The difficulty as always is then what to do with it, I used it to try and rebalance (I was too heavy in US and tech really).
    Exactly. I don't sell unless I have a clear idea what else I want to do with the money, which is better than what the fund is doing with it.
  • Rob7Lee said:
    Would be interested to hear people's profit taking tactics/method? At what stage would you cream a bit of profit out of a fund?
    Nothing exotic, I had a few funds that were up 50+ In not a huge amount of time. I sold my original purchase value and left in the profit.

    The difficulty as always is then what to do with it, I used it to try and rebalance (I was too heavy in US and tech really).
    Exactly. I don't sell unless I have a clear idea what else I want to do with the money, which is better than what the fund is doing with it.
    But don't you then worry that you are overweight in that area  ?  BG American was a case in point. It grew so much after March 2020 that by the start of this year most of my clients portfolios that were holding it were starting to get out of kilter. 

    I'm in the @Rob7Lee camp. Take out the profit & re the same time  rebalance your portfolio back in line with your Risk attitude.
  • Bump bump bumpity bump..............

    oh dear, just as things looked like they were normalising along comes another variant of Covid and sends the markets into a spin.

    FTSE100 down  210 points which is nearly a 3% fall and could drop below 7000 points for the first time since early October. European markets down a similar percentage. 

  • Time to buy!!
  • I didn't see the latest twist coming. I'll top up some of my investments, but then not obsessively look at their performance! 
  • Novacyt up over 25% today on AIM. 
  • Another reasonable month on the PBs. £75 for me, £25 for junr but nothing again for Mrs CH. she ain’t too happy :/  
  • Zero for me.
  • £125 for me Happy Days
  • Sponsored links:

  • 3 x £25 here. Best for a long time.
  • Nothing this time. Obviously a punishment for having the  temerity to sell some last month.

    I only have £40k worth there now....
  • Cheers Prague, makes me feel a bit better. I NEVER win, but then I've only got fifty.
  • 1 x £25 & 1 x £50 this time ! 
  • I'm still waiting to hear if @Rob7Lee father in law won again! :-)
  • Bollocks all for us 
  • £50 the missus, £25 for me.
  • Anyone else worried about evergrande tanking? 
  • Anyone else worried about evergrande tanking? 
    No, because if I have any of their shares it would be in a collective and therefore a very small percentage of my portfolio.

    Only invest an amount that you are prepared to lose.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Anyone else worried about evergrande tanking? 
    No, because if I have any of their shares it would be in a collective and therefore a very small percentage of my portfolio.

    Only invest an amount that you are prepared to lose.
    More of the knock on effect it will have on the rest of the chinese, and then the world economy if they default. 
  • Anyone else worried about evergrande tanking? 
    Yes, hugely, but not because I have any shares. 
  • Anyone else worried about evergrande tanking? 
    No, because if I have any of their shares it would be in a collective and therefore a very small percentage of my portfolio.

    Only invest an amount that you are prepared to lose.
    More of the knock on effect it will have on the rest of the chinese, and then the world economy if they default. 
    I think that's a legitimate concern myself but I am a cautious old git. But I'm not alone,  the FT Unhedged team are saying this

    Obviously, offering an independent prediction about Chinese policy is way above Unhedged’s pay grade. But seeing how disciplined the Chinese authorities will be in the face of the Evergrande test will be one of the most interesting dramas of the coming months.  

    Frankly Unhedged articles a bit above my paygrade too! But yesterday, they were worrying about the fact that five times in the last few weeks the equity markets have been trying to rally, and always fallen back. All of that tells me that I should give it a couple of months to see how things play out before buying anything more (although at the same time, I would not sell, because what you gonna do with the proceeds, when inflation far outstrips anything a bank cash savings account offers?)
  • Anyone else worried about evergrande tanking? 
    No, because if I have any of their shares it would be in a collective and therefore a very small percentage of my portfolio.

    Only invest an amount that you are prepared to lose.
    More of the knock on effect it will have on the rest of the chinese, and then the world economy if they default. 
    I think that's a legitimate concern myself but I am a cautious old git. But I'm not alone,  the FT Unhedged team are saying this

    Obviously, offering an independent prediction about Chinese policy is way above Unhedged’s pay grade. But seeing how disciplined the Chinese authorities will be in the face of the Evergrande test will be one of the most interesting dramas of the coming months.  

    Frankly Unhedged articles a bit above my paygrade too! But yesterday, they were worrying about the fact that five times in the last few weeks the equity markets have been trying to rally, and always fallen back. All of that tells me that I should give it a couple of months to see how things play out before buying anything more (although at the same time, I would not sell, because what you gonna do with the proceeds, when inflation far outstrips anything a bank cash savings account offers?)
    Exactly, inflation and a huge state backed company defaulting is a recipe for a perfect storm imo. Even the crypto nuts people I follow seem scared about it. It’s well established we haven’t learnt the correct lessons from 2008, and this coming downturn is going to be worse imo. 

    Speaking of crypto… there’s always defi protocols to store your cash 😜
  • Well markets are bucking the trend and recovering really well from last weeks falls. 
  • Well markets are bucking the trend and recovering really well from last weeks falls. 
    As they have done several times in the last few weeks...that was the point the FT guys were making...

    Maybe time for @Rob7Lee to remind us of the predictions for FTSE 100...we're on the home straight. I'm quite Ok with my prediction - although this time, Golfie I seem to recall there's a gnat's whisker between our predictions. In fact most of us are bunched tightly together, I think,  yet there are so many global Events out there ready to upset the applecart...
  • Some BG funds have serious making up to do. Looks like they fell about 15pc in the space of a few weeks!
  • Well markets are bucking the trend and recovering really well from last weeks falls. 
    As they have done several times in the last few weeks...that was the point the FT guys were making...

    Maybe time for @Rob7Lee to remind us of the predictions for FTSE 100...we're on the home straight. I'm quite Ok with my prediction - although this time, Golfie I seem to recall there's a gnat's whisker between our predictions. In fact most of us are bunched tightly together, I think,  yet there are so many global Events out there ready to upset the applecart...
    I've long believed that the next crash is going to come from China; the warning sign was 2015.  Massive misallocation of capital on a scale never seen.  The fact that it will happen in a corrupt, totalitarian state will cause Chernobyl-like chaos in markets when they can no longer cover it up (Covid-19 style).  But I think it's a way off.  

    China will be able manipulate information and domestic corporate and financial market activity for a long time.  Only once we've largely  disentangled key supply chains will they be vulnerable and that's going to take time, albeit we have at least finally woken up to it after Wuhan.

    Stock markets climb walls of worry.  Omicron will either replace delta with a milder form or we'll carry on with delta.  Either way, governments will finally wake up to the fact that lock downs cause orders of magnitude more harm than good.
  • Bit late to the party (house moving) - but a bumper Month in that me, wife and eldest had £25, youngest £75 - and of course father in law £25.

    Here's the FTSE100 with a few weeks to go;

    NameLevelVariance% Variance
    Fortune 82nd Minute728057.050.78%
    Killer Kish7440102.951.40%
    Exiledin Manchester7450112.951.54%
    Addick Addick7220117.051.60%
    Covered End7512174.952.38%
    Thread Killer7159178.052.43%
    WishIdStayedInThe Pub7544206.952.82%
    Gary Poole7574236.953.23%
    fat man on a moped7681343.954.69%
    No.1 in South London6985352.054.80%
    Er_Be_Ab_Pl_Wo_Wo_Ch 6500837.0511.41%
  • Evergrande have defaulted. Here we go…
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