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Savings and Investments thread



  • 8612 please.
  • Some cracking comments about Aleš Michl, the Czech National Bank's governor and now crypto speculator with a nation's money,  in the FT. This one is my favourite, including the bit in bold that I'm stealing for local use:

    Pathetic. Many smart and hard working people in Prague but Michl is definitely NOT one of them. He was around (definitely did not run) a Mickey Mouse fund and then worked at Raiffeisen. He is a barmaid fantasy of an investment banker.
  • It's an interesting concept. Microstrategy been just about best performing stock last year by issuing stock and debt to buy Bitcoin. In theory a country could do the same with its own currency and debt.
    Politically difficult probably mind!
  • edited January 29
    Rob7Lee said:
    Hi. I'm looking for some advise. I will be 65 in March and have two final salery pensions that I will be able to take. I have a third one that I took when the pandemic started.

    One of the pensions that I will be able to access gives me the opportunity to take a 25% tax free lump sum c£100,000. I'm not sure if I should sacrifice the reduction in the pension c£6k p/a that I will lose or not. I don't really need the cash as I will have the other two pensions, my state pension in 12 months and also rent out two houses and have a fair amount of savings / investments. 

    Should I take the cash and spend / Invest some of it or max the pension income?. Any advise gladly welcomed. Cheers.
    Realistically if you take it and invest it you’ll need to live past 85/90 to be worse off, even if you have a spouse.

    id take it, fairly low risk doing so but many upsides!

    We all hope we live to a ripe old age, a director at Legal and General many years ago retired on his 65th birthday, guy was a workaholic (not married, no children). I suspect his DB pension was north of £200k a year even back then, he died within 3 weeks so never saw a penny!!
    Yep. Sadly the richest man in the grave yard is not a proud boast. 

    I worked at NatWest for most of my career and still remember in the Eighties paper circulars of recently deceased pensioners who evidently saw little of their retirement. 

    Very sad reading. 
  • 8657 Thanks. 
  • Last day today to get in your guesses where the FTSE 100 will be come end of June.
  • Hopefully I didn't miss anyone or input incorrectly, but let me know if so. FTSE hit an all time high as we entered February of 8692.84, closed yesterday 20 points below.

    Good luck everyone.
    Er_Be_Ab_Pl_Wo_Wo_Ch 7888
    Fortune 82nd Minute8151
    WishIdStayedInThe Pub8250
    fat man on a moped8475
    Covered End8612
    Thread Killer8631
    Addick Addict8662
  • edited February 1
    After that wobble earlier in the week I ended up marginally in profit. Buy the dips was the right advice 😀.

  • Going to be a red day today. Trump saying EU has been very out of line and UK also but back tracked a little, ramblings of a madman 
  • Going to be a red day today. Trump saying EU has been very out of line and UK also but back tracked a little, ramblings of a madman 
    I hate Mondays! This is a lot worse than last week.
  • Sponsored links:

  • I think tariffs are just going to be the tool uses to get the rest of the world to do what he wants. As such, I think a lot of it will be reversed in time.

    My hope is that it's resolved quickly as this is not good for investments!
  • I think and hope that the orange idiot and his saffer boyfriend will shortly find out that the rest of the world will refuse to be bullied. If they don't see sense quickly, the rest of the world will find alternative trade arrangements and bypass the US where possible.
    There's no logic in his pronouncements in economics, a topic in which he's clearly illiterate. It's like me saying I subsidise the George and Dragon to the the tune of thousands of pounds. I buy beer from them but they don't buy anything from me. It's just not on. Henceforth I'm going to charge myself 25% more, that'll learn 'em!

  • How is our trade deal that we were promised with the states getting on anyway?
  • After that wobble earlier in the week I ended up marginally in profit. Buy the dips was the right advice 😀.

    Has the dip now re-dipped? @SantaClaus
  • It's about to. Wait until wall st opens later on.
  • cazo said:
    At least it’s the premium bonds tonight 🙏🙏
    I’ve got a good feeling about this month. At least £500 I recon 
  • edited February 3
    Does anyone on here buy gold as a way to grow wealth and, if so, any tips? I’m thinking of doing this when we go to Dubai but the chart suggests gold is pricey at the moment and on an upward trajectory. It was £1200 per oz in 2019 but £2800 today. That would have been some profit on 1kg over 5 years! If I’d put £50,000 into gold when my wife and I met in 2003, gold was £200 per oz. That would be worth £700,000 today. Eye catching growth!

  • meldrew66 said:
    Does anyone on here buy gold as a way to grow wealth and, if so, any tips? I’m thinking of doing this when we go to Dubai but the chart suggests gold is pricey at the moment and on an upward trajectory. It was £1200 per oz in 2019 but £2800 today. That would have been some profit on 1kg over 5 years! If I’d put £50,000 into gold when my wife and I met in 2003, gold was £200 per oz. That would be worth £700,000 today. Eye watching growth!

    If I wanted to invest in gold, I would probably invest in an exchange traded fund that holds gold. 
  • meldrew66 said:
    Does anyone on here buy gold as a way to grow wealth and, if so, any tips? I’m thinking of doing this when we go to Dubai but the chart suggests gold is pricey at the moment and on an upward trajectory. It was £1200 per oz in 2019 but £2800 today. That would have been some profit on 1kg over 5 years! If I’d put £50,000 into gold when my wife and I met in 2003, gold was £200 per oz. That would be worth £700,000 today. Eye watching growth!

    Speak to Gordon Brown. He's a wizard around the price of Gold 🙄.
  • Sponsored links:

  • mendonca said:
    After that wobble earlier in the week I ended up marginally in profit. Buy the dips was the right advice 😀.

    Has the dip now re-dipped? @SantaClaus
    Not a great day but not as bad as last Monday.
  • edited February 3
    Huskaris said:
    meldrew66 said:
    Does anyone on here buy gold as a way to grow wealth and, if so, any tips? I’m thinking of doing this when we go to Dubai but the chart suggests gold is pricey at the moment and on an upward trajectory. It was £1200 per oz in 2019 but £2800 today. That would have been some profit on 1kg over 5 years! If I’d put £50,000 into gold when my wife and I met in 2003, gold was £200 per oz. That would be worth £700,000 today. Eye watching growth!

    If I wanted to invest in gold, I would probably invest in an exchange traded fund that holds gold. 
    …but wouldn’t that involve fees that would erode the profit?
  • edited February 3
    meldrew66 said:
    Huskaris said:
    meldrew66 said:
    Does anyone on here buy gold as a way to grow wealth and, if so, any tips? I’m thinking of doing this when we go to Dubai but the chart suggests gold is pricey at the moment and on an upward trajectory. It was £1200 per oz in 2019 but £2800 today. That would have been some profit on 1kg over 5 years! If I’d put £50,000 into gold when my wife and I met in 2003, gold was £200 per oz. That would be worth £700,000 today. Eye watching growth!

    If I wanted to invest in gold, I would probably invest in an exchange traded fund that holds gold. 
    …but wouldn’t that involve fees that would erode the profit?
    And by contrast are you going to hold your gold as a physical asset at home with no insurance premium uplift or added security? 

    Surely the ‘virtual’ investment is the way to go? 
  • edited February 3
    meldrew66 said:
    Huskaris said:
    meldrew66 said:
    Does anyone on here buy gold as a way to grow wealth and, if so, any tips? I’m thinking of doing this when we go to Dubai but the chart suggests gold is pricey at the moment and on an upward trajectory. It was £1200 per oz in 2019 but £2800 today. That would have been some profit on 1kg over 5 years! If I’d put £50,000 into gold when my wife and I met in 2003, gold was £200 per oz. That would be worth £700,000 today. Eye watching growth!

    If I wanted to invest in gold, I would probably invest in an exchange traded fund that holds gold. 
    …but wouldn’t that involve fees that would erode the profit?
    Not that amount of profit!

    I'm a gold sceptic. I once bought a unit trust that specialised in gold, but partly in the miners rather than the stuff itself. It was the worst performing ever unit trust I ever bought.  But a few years back- around 2016 I started monitoring a gold ETF. It had dipped to about 8,000 but I procrastinated  and left it alone when it started climbing again. It is now at 21,000.

    I didn't buy it partly because I didn't and don't understand it (gold) as an asset. I think it's a good rule to only invest in things you understand. There are a few people on here who are clued up on gold. But they rarely suggest anything more than small minority of total holding.

    But an ETF has fees similar to or lower than a fund (unit trust) so you don't need to worry about that side of things.
  • meldrew66 said:
    Does anyone on here buy gold as a way to grow wealth and, if so, any tips? I’m thinking of doing this when we go to Dubai but the chart suggests gold is pricey at the moment and on an upward trajectory. It was £1200 per oz in 2019 but £2800 today. That would have been some profit on 1kg over 5 years! If I’d put £50,000 into gold when my wife and I met in 2003, gold was £200 per oz. That would be worth £700,000 today. Eye catching growth!

    I've bought quite a lot over the years, but always buy as gold sovereigns. CGT tax free.

    Yes gold is pretty much at an all time high, haven't bought any coins for a couple of years, think I last paid about £300 ish, now £550+!

    Think you might be getting your currencies mixed, think gold is around £2200 per troy ounce ($2,800 USD)
  • £150 for me, £175 for my wife (on total 60k holding).
  • 125 for me this month maybe 1/4 full holding 
  • On the subject of gold, I drip money via trading 212 into gold as a commodity on their CFD platform. You have to do a short quiz to prove to them you know what you are doing and what the risks are 
  • Another terrible month for me and Margaret: total of £125 on £100k holding.
  • edited February 4
    £125 for me, now about £38k, £75 for Mrs R7L on Max, daughter with about £26k nothing. Father in law to follow.

    Father in law £100
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