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Savings and Investments thread



  • Yeah, the people who come up with these ideas don't know key stage 3 maths. 

    If it earns 1/15 interest you break even. If the bonus doesn't earn any interest than you need 1/3! 

    People need to stop assuming that everyone is an idiot. Especially people who have the power to create these things.
  • I do wonder why government has never corrected this anomaly. I can’t imagine it raises any significant sums for them - unless it does?
    Doubt it's substantial but it will put people off of withdrawing it early.
    Yes I get the idea of incentive to get people to properly save but we are really discussing the  penal element of the calculation beyond losing the government ‘bonus’. 

    Really feels like an unintended consequence that could be fixed. 
    I think it is intended!
    If intended does it really pull in much cash ? And how many accounts are closed early as a percentage ?

    Im not as sure it is intended and perhaps the number of accounts opened , volumes saved and percentage not cashed early are falling short of expectations?
    It's intended as money is tight now and they don't want to give too much of it away for free. There are various other things which seem pretty petty but there's a politics ban here so i won't mention.There are talks that cash isas may be limited to £4k. They may make lisa even worse.
    If there's no penalty then a lisa is just an isa with a big bonus for first time home buyers and the over 60s. The incentive goes away as does the amount the treasury can earn!
  • I do wonder why government has never corrected this anomaly. I can’t imagine it raises any significant sums for them - unless it does?
    Doubt it's substantial but it will put people off of withdrawing it early.
    Yes I get the idea of incentive to get people to properly save but we are really discussing the  penal element of the calculation beyond losing the government ‘bonus’. 

    Really feels like an unintended consequence that could be fixed. 
    I think it is intended!
    If intended does it really pull in much cash ? And how many accounts are closed early as a percentage ?

    Im not as sure it is intended and perhaps the number of accounts opened , volumes saved and percentage not cashed early are falling short of expectations?
    It's intended as money is tight now and they don't want to give too much of it away for free. There are various other things which seem pretty petty but there's a politics ban here so i won't mention.There are talks that cash isas may be limited to £4k. They may make lisa even worse.
    If there's no penalty then a lisa is just an isa with a big bonus for first time home buyers and the over 60s. The incentive goes away as does the amount the treasury can earn!
    I don’t think anyone is suggesting no penalty rather no bonus. 
  • Just sold my Lloyds shares at 65.28p.
    That's about the highest they have been fo a good few years. 
    It's possible they may continue to rise but what with all the uncertainty going on at the moment with Reeves as Chancellor over here and Trump as president in America  I can see them dropping back down rather than making more gains.
    67.32p This morning, I know the feeling hold on for years then finallly bail out, only to be days to soon.
    A mate of mine bailed out a month or so ago at 59p.
    I almost done the same but eventually bailed out at 65.28p.
    If 67or 68 is as high as they go then I've not done too bad.
    If they hit 70 that will be annoying. 
    It’s now officially annoying 70.71p…. I share your pain after 20 years of holding as a Lloyds Employee, I sold 30,000 at 62p… BUGGER.
  • Just sold my Lloyds shares at 65.28p.
    That's about the highest they have been fo a good few years. 
    It's possible they may continue to rise but what with all the uncertainty going on at the moment with Reeves as Chancellor over here and Trump as president in America  I can see them dropping back down rather than making more gains.
    67.32p This morning, I know the feeling hold on for years then finallly bail out, only to be days to soon.
    A mate of mine bailed out a month or so ago at 59p.
    I almost done the same but eventually bailed out at 65.28p.
    If 67or 68 is as high as they go then I've not done too bad.
    If they hit 70 that will be annoying. 
    It’s now officially annoying 70.71p…. I share your pain after 20 years of holding as a Lloyds Employee, I sold 30,000 at 62p… BUGGER.
    Once you sell you should never look at the share price again. It's the equivalent of the game show's......."look at what you could have won".
    I know Golfie, but it’s hard not to. Could take it over couple years or even months. But 28% year to date increase….. Ouch. Anyway still holding another 30,000 so not all bad.
  • As the old Jewish saying goes...."No harm in taking a profit" 
  • Just sold my Lloyds shares at 65.28p.
    That's about the highest they have been fo a good few years. 
    It's possible they may continue to rise but what with all the uncertainty going on at the moment with Reeves as Chancellor over here and Trump as president in America  I can see them dropping back down rather than making more gains.
    67.32p This morning, I know the feeling hold on for years then finallly bail out, only to be days to soon.
    A mate of mine bailed out a month or so ago at 59p.
    I almost done the same but eventually bailed out at 65.28p.
    If 67or 68 is as high as they go then I've not done too bad.
    If they hit 70 that will be annoying. 
    It’s now officially annoying 70.71p…. I share your pain after 20 years of holding as a Lloyds Employee, I sold 30,000 at 62p… BUGGER.
    After waiting patiently for the last 7 or 8 years I bailed out a week too early. 

    Still it's only money 😒😒
  • Can anyone recommend a uk bank that doesn’t charge to receive money from abroad? We will be receiving monthly sums from Dubai and most seem to charge 1%. I don’t want a foreign money account as such just a standard current account for my daughter to use for university.
    many thanks 
  • edited February 26
    Can anyone recommend a uk bank that doesn’t charge to receive money from abroad? We will be receiving monthly sums from Dubai and most seem to charge 1%. I don’t want a foreign money account as such just a standard current account for my daughter to use for university.
    many thanks 

    What currency are you transferring to the UK? If sterling then Monzo, for example, charge no fee. If you are transferring another currency into sterling then 1% conversion fee is about the going rate.
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  • bobmunro said:
    Can anyone recommend a uk bank that doesn’t charge to receive money from abroad? We will be receiving monthly sums from Dubai and most seem to charge 1%. I don’t want a foreign money account as such just a standard current account for my daughter to use for university.
    many thanks 

    What currency are you transferring to the UK? If sterling then Monzo, for example, charge no fee. If you are transferring another currency into sterling then 1% conversion fee is about the going rate.
    Many thanks. It’s in USD
  • Realistically you will either pay a fee/commission or see it in the exchange rate surely if you are converting USD to GBP I would think. 
  • Premium bonds tomorrow.

    One of the £1m winners holds £100 since 2023!! How lucky is that…….
  • Be checking mine tonight just after 12🙏🙏
  • edited 12:46PM
    I'm due a decent PSB pay-out this month after 3 consecutive terrible returns

  • Our FTSE competition is making us all look clueless. Highest guess is 8900 and we are just about there already. Of course, the orange urinal cake could soon change it all back...
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