10pm on Channel 4 last night, anyone watch it?
Funniest programme ive seen for ages.
26 year old virgin, think he said he supported Palace. Anyway he has to go to a Virgin School in Amsterdam to gain confidence around the fairer sex. Gets taught by a 'mature' lady lots of nudey groping etc and eventually gets it on with a slightly younger dutch lady in front of the cameras.
Why he didnt just get it on with one of the brasses in the Dam is beyond me but there you go.
Supposedly a shy bloke, bullied at school etc etc but happy to get his tackle out on Channel 4.
Boxers over y-fronts....WHY?????????????
He could have gone to the Stratford Sauna for £50!!!
Looked like the Bromley edition of the News shopper to me
A whore called Frank?
Bit late for you Crown Woods chaps to be up isn't it ? :-)
watched the f word before tho, dont' like gordon ramsey at all.
Can't believe his nan bought him a load of new clobber in Orpington, and then later you see him on the bed with the old brass, with 2 whopping big holes in his socks!