All of a sudden his strategy for Charlton becomes clear.
My Dad turned 70 last year since when he has been getting rid of a clutter around his house with a view to down sizing. Really no different to What RD seems to be doing at Charlton.
No response from our illustrious but decidedly eccentric owner yesterday. Not even a thank you.
Never mind. We suspect he is just overcome with emotion.
Or maybe he’s a bit worried about whether he will fit in alright up in the North Upper.
So don’t worry your head about that, Roland.It’s BDAY -6and today’s present is one of our very special collectors item protest shirts! You’ll blend right in with that on.
And we got you an Xtra Large one, so you’ll have room for your ego in there with you, and maybe a few stress balls if you fancy having a bit of a throw with the lads.
“What’s this Data Techniques name on the front?”, we hear you ask: You’d better ask Katrien Meire about that. Just one of the long term commercial club sponsors that she has managed to alienate - only so much so that they sponsored the protest shirt instead! But we expect you already knew all about that, didn’t you? Didn’t you? Roland?
Anyway, we are sure you’ll look quite the part in that shirt, Roland. It might be a bit chilly over here at the Sheffield United match so be sure to wear a nice warm vest under it. (Ok, you old charmer, we'll even let you have a CARD t-shirt to wear underneath if that would help).
Meanwhile, thanks to everyone for their birthday present suggestions. Who knows, maybe some of them are on our list too.
For a start he could do with a new CEO for his birthday. The one he's got at the moment is frittering all his money away and destroying his investment and his reputation (if he had a decent reputation in the first place!).
Following on from this part of the campaign against Duchatalet, I can't wait to see the Twelve Days of Christmas that CARD have lined up for Roland.....
Still no word from our illustrious but decidedly eccentric owner as yet.
Strange. He’s got his match ticket. He’s got a map so he can find the Valley. He’s got a nice new protest shirt to help him blend in nicely. What else could he need?
Ah, maybe he’s nervous because he just doesn’t know quite what to expect attending a game at the Valley. It is alien territory after all.
So, Uncle Roly, it’s BDAY -5 and today’s present is a DVD of what you have been missing down at the Valley.
Not the football, no, that would be too cruel!
We have produced “House of CARD” a special edition DVD with 12 minutes of highlights of the very best of the protests, featuring favourites such as funeral march, beach ball surprise, flying pigs and many, many more! You lucky old thing Roland!
That’ll give you an idea of what to expect. That should do it! Come and join in the fun….
Meanwhile, thanks to you Charlton fans for your birthday present suggestions. Top prize so far goes to @Nug for the brilliant “Running a Football Club for Dummies”. Keep them coming. Who can beat @Nug?
Watch out for another special double present combo tomorrow…..
Morning Roly, I think I was uncharitable to you yesterday, I was a bit uneasy on the eve of the world being Trumped so I've decided to buy you a little gift after all.
It's a new Kat (sic), no not of the failed CEO variety but of the feline sort.
I know you will look after her and that she can't wait to sniff your duck tape shoes, laters .
Squashed tomatoes and stew
I saw a fat monkey
And I thought it was you!
(reprised from the playground of Horn Park Infant School circa 1972...)
Sick in the mouth was not my desired starter.
Made of concrete.
My Dad turned 70 last year since when he has been getting rid of a clutter around his house with a view to down sizing. Really no different to What RD seems to be doing at Charlton.
Never mind. We suspect he is just overcome with emotion.
Or maybe he’s a bit worried about whether he will fit in alright up in the North Upper.
So don’t worry your head about that, Roland. It’s BDAY -6 and today’s present is one of our very special collectors item protest shirts! You’ll blend right in with that on.
And we got you an Xtra Large one, so you’ll have room for your ego in there with you, and maybe a few stress balls if you fancy having a bit of a throw with the lads.
“What’s this Data Techniques name on the front?”, we hear you ask: You’d better ask Katrien Meire about that. Just one of the long term commercial club sponsors that she has managed to alienate - only so much so that they sponsored the protest shirt instead! But we expect you already knew all about that, didn’t you? Didn’t you? Roland?
Anyway, we are sure you’ll look quite the part in that shirt, Roland. It might be a bit chilly over here at the Sheffield United match so be sure to wear a nice warm vest under it. (Ok, you old charmer, we'll even let you have a CARD t-shirt to wear underneath if that would help).
Meanwhile, thanks to everyone for their birthday present suggestions. Who knows, maybe some of them are on our list too.
Keep them coming.
More tomorrow…..
Well you've ruined my last two birthdays so you get nothing from me, nada, rien, nichts, niks, zilch , zero! Not even the sniff of an oily rag
The one he's got at the moment is frittering all his money away and destroying his investment and his reputation (if he had a decent reputation in the first place!).
Then championship 12/13
He can then enjoy just how much he ruined everything in such a short space of time.
Strange. He’s got his match ticket. He’s got a map so he can find the Valley. He’s got a nice new protest shirt to help him blend in nicely. What else could he need?
Ah, maybe he’s nervous because he just doesn’t know quite what to expect attending a game at the Valley. It is alien territory after all.
So, Uncle Roly, it’s BDAY -5 and today’s present is a DVD of what you have been missing down at the Valley.
Not the football, no, that would be too cruel!
We have produced “House of CARD” a special edition DVD with 12 minutes of highlights of the very best of the protests, featuring favourites such as funeral march, beach ball surprise, flying pigs and many, many more! You lucky old thing Roland!
That’ll give you an idea of what to expect. That should do it! Come and join in the fun….
Meanwhile, thanks to you Charlton fans for your birthday present suggestions. Top prize so far goes to @Nug for the brilliant “Running a Football Club for Dummies”. Keep them coming. Who can beat @Nug?
Watch out for another special double present combo tomorrow…..
It's a new Kat (sic), no not of the failed CEO variety but of the feline sort.
I know you will look after her and that she can't wait to sniff your duck tape shoes, laters