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Charlton Live - Podcast out - inc. Jimmy Stone speaking about his podcast

edited December 2016 in General Charlton or via the tune in app

Tune in tonight at 7pm as we discuss the explosive Getting to know the network podcasts, including talking about the leaked emails and Roland Duchatelet's reaction to them. We hear from Jimmy Stone who tells us how he made the podcast, confirmed he didn't receive any leaks from Powell and tells us about the digging he had to do to get the show together.

We also discuss the first press conference that Karl Robinson did, hearing from @StubleyAddick who was in attendance.

We'll also look ahead to the game with MK Dons.

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  • Edited back as @Fumbluff deserves more lols
  • edited December 2016
    Say what? :wink:

    And there was me being kind hiding the wave of ginger incompetence......
  • Carlton Live?
  • LouisMend said:

    New top story on tonight's show - expose of @WSS's outrageous something which I will make up between now and 7pm.

    Drain the swamp!
  • Duchatelet has every right to interfere with team selection and formation if he wants to. But if he does, the club should admit that's what he's doing and stop employing head coaches and managers.

    Roland, EITHER you pick the team OR you leave it to the manager. Make your mind up. The tell us.
  • Roland saying Powell leaked the e-mails could damage his career. It is a very serious matter indeed.
  • Roland saying Powell leaked the e-mails could damage his career. It is a very serious matter indeed.

    Only if Chris wants to take it further.

    And it may depend on who actually did leak them and how he/she got hold of them.
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  • WSS said:

    I'd love it if it was Chris Parkes

    Not sure I would. He has a tough life as it is - just imagine how bad it could get!
  • Because during the curbs years Chris told me and others some behind the scenes tit bits, I always imagined him being one of airman's moles.
  • Roland saying Powell leaked the e-mails could damage his career. It is a very serious matter indeed.

    But why should it?

    Exposing the public to a mad man trying to bum a football club to the ground is highly commendable in my book.
  • Well owners don't like it, however commendable!
  • Roland saying Powell leaked the e-mails could damage his career. It is a very serious matter indeed.

    But why should it?

    Exposing the public to a mad man trying to bum a football club to the ground is highly commendable in my book.
    I gave you a lol for the phrasing, very eloquently put. ;)

    I think the serious matter is that Roland made that accusation. Quite clearly it would be serious IF Powell had done so, but the fact it appears that the emails were sourced from somewhere else means that an innocent and honest chap has had his name dirtied by Roland.. Again.

    For what it's worth, I completely agree with you. I'd respect Powell if it did transpire that he leaked the emails, but potential employers may not feel the sa,e way.

    I think it's clear it wasn't Powell because, on the face of it, there's only 2 emails. I suspect Chrissy had many more like it; especially as Roland claims email was forced due to lack of phone communications - almost suggesting that email became the de facto communications method. (Thats not to say that Jimmy doesn't have more.)
  • Roland knows there are more emails floating about and I hope he is sweating on the matter of further embarrassing exposes from Jimmy.
  • Podcast is out now.

    Join Louis Mendez and Paul Crisp as they discuss the startling revelations following the release of the ‘Getting to Know the Network’ Podcast, and the reaction by owner Roland Duchatelet to the emails leaked by that podcast. They hear exclusively from Jimmy Stone, who produced that podcast.
    They also discuss new manager Karl Robinson’s first press conference, hearing from reporter Greg Stubley who was there on Monday, before they look ahead to Saturday’s FA Cup tie with MK Dons.
    Charlton Live is available live on Maritime Radio on Thursday and Sunday evenings from 7pm – head to or to listen in.
    You can also hear us on the go via the tune in app – search for Charlton Live.
    Our shows are available as podcasts via Acast, iTunes, Deezer and many other platforms.

    Stream it via our website -

    Or download as a podcast from iTunes or Acast - we recommend acast
  • Just has a listen to this. Great show lads.
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  • Cheers mate.
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