A post-pub opening of a chocolate bar with the intention of 'a couple of squares and the rest can go in the fridge for the rest of the week' basically lasts for about 30 seconds !
I'm powering through the snacks too. I wish it was because I'm drinking but it's actually because I have an essay to finish by tomorrow.. #deadlines #living life on tomorrow he edge.
J. D. Gross [Lidl] 95% cocoa solids, from the Ivory Coast (so they say). Tough going to start with (waterproof your yacht, etc).... ....then you get used to it. Wow! A choc equivalent of a Mendonca Hat-trick.
dark chocolate is manageable in the form of After Eights but i did prefer the milk chocolate version that was around for a bit , don't know if they still make them
Very underrated.
Cadburys Cadburys or Cadburys fruit and nut my bar of choice
I eat 200 grams of chocolate everyday and quite often this is accompanied by a box of cherry Bakewells or Viennese whirls.
How unhealthy is this? I'm not fat but it can't be good for me?
I've had twirl bites, Doritos in now on Bourbons.
I sleep easy tonight knowing I will probably wake up in the morning.
Tough going to start with (waterproof your yacht, etc)....
....then you get used to it. Wow! A choc equivalent of a Mendonca Hat-trick.
What is 'wrong' with it?