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Parking ticket



  • If a ticket uses the word “penalty” - then pay or appeal. 
    If this word does not appear on the ticket - I always ignore it. 
    In my experience, they write to you for 2 years - then they give up. 
    It depends if the notices quote the correct legislation. I overstayed at a car park at St. Mary Cray. The notice I received quoted the correct wording and I had to pay up.
  • If a ticket uses the word “penalty” - then pay or appeal. 
    If this word does not appear on the ticket - I always ignore it. 
    In my experience, they write to you for 2 years - then they give up. 
    I get where you're coming from but I'd probably pay it rather than be worried about a knock on the door and featuring in an episode of Can't pay, we'll take it away.
  • They know who the driver is as I appealed and essentially admitted it (maybe an error reading above posts) as I never for a second thought they would not accept my appeal on the basis I had done everything reasonable to pay! 
  • They know who the driver is as I appealed and essentially admitted it (maybe an error reading above posts) as I never for a second thought they would not accept my appeal on the basis I had done everything reasonable to pay! 
    I suppose the word reasonable is where you slipped up with these sharks.
  • Wife parked in Odean car park Beckenham 8.30am. Only one machine, not working, no number to phone. Left note on dash. Cinema not open to tell anyone. Came back at 11am. Ticket. Appealed fine and went to adjudicator.  Same answer, if you are unable to pay then you have no right to park. Had to pay full fine.  Private car park,not LB Bomley.
  • edited December 2021
    Addickted said:
    MrOneLung said:
    Unless it is a council car park don’t pay it. 

    The 'parking contract' is with the driver not the vehicle. Can they prove who the driver was?
    Nope that does NOT work! That loophole has been closed. They CAN and do fine the Registered Keeper if the keeper refuses to name the driver, take it from me.  I console myself with the thought that it probably cost them more than a hundred quid to deal with my case. If everyone appealed they'd go out of business (one can but hope).

    Also, ignoring it used to be a good idea a few years ago but these days they will almost always pursue a ticket. You have to proactively fight it nowadays.
  •  Best  thing to do is smash up the cameras before parking. 
  • Wife parked in Odean car park Beckenham 8.30am. Only one machine, not working, no number to phone. Left note on dash. Cinema not open to tell anyone. Came back at 11am. Ticket. Appealed fine and went to adjudicator.  Same answer, if you are unable to pay then you have no right to park. Had to pay full fine.  Private car park,not LB Bomley.

    The council carpark behind Lidl in Beckenham is no better.  I shop there each week and the one nearest the store never takes 50p coins and is out of order 90% of the time.  The other one probably works about 50%.  Because they have the Ring-go scam where you can call the premium rate number to enter your car details (usually takes 3 attempts for it to understand my Sarf London accent when I say the car reg) and charge you 30% more than the cash price for the privilege, you daren't park without paying as it seems like they have a warden patrolling that one constantly.  I did consider taping my 70p to the windscreen one week as I hadn't got my phone on me but thought better of it and parked elsewhere.
  • addix said:
    Wife parked in Odean car park Beckenham 8.30am. Only one machine, not working, no number to phone. Left note on dash. Cinema not open to tell anyone. Came back at 11am. Ticket. Appealed fine and went to adjudicator.  Same answer, if you are unable to pay then you have no right to park. Had to pay full fine.  Private car park,not LB Bomley.

    The council carpark behind Lidl in Beckenham is no better.  I shop there each week and the one nearest the store never takes 50p coins and is out of order 90% of the time.  The other one probably works about 50%.  Because they have the Ring-go scam where you can call the premium rate number to enter your car details (usually takes 3 attempts for it to understand my Sarf London accent when I say the car reg) and charge you 30% more than the cash price for the privilege, you daren't park without paying as it seems like they have a warden patrolling that one constantly.  I did consider taping my 70p to the windscreen one week as I hadn't got my phone on me but thought better of it and parked elsewhere.
    Or just use the ringo app for free 
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  • MrOneLung said:
    addix said:
    Wife parked in Odean car park Beckenham 8.30am. Only one machine, not working, no number to phone. Left note on dash. Cinema not open to tell anyone. Came back at 11am. Ticket. Appealed fine and went to adjudicator.  Same answer, if you are unable to pay then you have no right to park. Had to pay full fine.  Private car park,not LB Bomley.

    The council carpark behind Lidl in Beckenham is no better.  I shop there each week and the one nearest the store never takes 50p coins and is out of order 90% of the time.  The other one probably works about 50%.  Because they have the Ring-go scam where you can call the premium rate number to enter your car details (usually takes 3 attempts for it to understand my Sarf London accent when I say the car reg) and charge you 30% more than the cash price for the privilege, you daren't park without paying as it seems like they have a warden patrolling that one constantly.  I did consider taping my 70p to the windscreen one week as I hadn't got my phone on me but thought better of it and parked elsewhere.
    Or just use the ringo app for free 
    It's not free, I parked in a ringo car park in Morecombe last week, 1 hr £1.50 in cash, £1.90 through the app.
  • Parked in the Apcoa car park next to Purely station a few weeks ago.  Went to the ticket machine which was an internet based one and buffered constantly for several minutes not allowing me to use it.  Walked across the car park to the other machine which was doing the same.  There was a website link on the machine so I went to pay on there and it was saying it could not find the car park location (I have a screen shot of that but sadly not the buffering ticket machines).  Having tried everything I had to dash to a meeting I was now late for.  

    Surprise surprise, I then got a ticket through the door, so appealed.  Just been told my appeal has failed as they say that they are not at fault for having ticket machines that do not work and when I could not pay I should have left the car park immediately in my car.

    I have approached my local MP who said he would write a letter but also said he has never successfully appealed against a parking fine.  This racket needs proper regulation, it's a disgrace and £60 I could do without spending out at this time of year.  Gggrrr.

    I'd be inclined to pop back later and make sure those machines have no chance of ever working again
  • Parked in the Apcoa car park next to Purely station a few weeks ago.  Went to the ticket machine which was an internet based one and buffered constantly for several minutes not allowing me to use it.  Walked across the car park to the other machine which was doing the same.  There was a website link on the machine so I went to pay on there and it was saying it could not find the car park location (I have a screen shot of that but sadly not the buffering ticket machines).  Having tried everything I had to dash to a meeting I was now late for.  

    Surprise surprise, I then got a ticket through the door, so appealed.  Just been told my appeal has failed as they say that they are not at fault for having ticket machines that do not work and when I could not pay I should have left the car park immediately in my car.

    I have approached my local MP who said he would write a letter but also said he has never successfully appealed against a parking fine.  This racket needs proper regulation, it's a disgrace and £60 I could do without spending out at this time of year.  Gggrrr.
    Incidents like this make my very angry. But hopefully help is at hand. 

    There is now legislation on the statute book - The Parking (Code of Practice Act) 2019 – which allows for a stringent new Code of Practice for private parking companies to be developed by the Secretary of State in conjunction with motorists groups and other experts. The Code is designed to end inconsistent practices and unfair treatment of motorists by a few rogue private parking operators. Those operators falling foul of the rules would be blocked from accessing vehicle keeper data from DVLA and issuing fines, effectively forcing them out of the industry.

    The Code is being worked on as we speak. Hopefully it should be in place in the not too distant future. That of course will help others in future but is no help to the problem you currently find yourself in.

    I fear someone will be along shortly saying don't pay the ticket. That is advice that always makes me uncomfortable. Yes it is very true that some companies will not ultimately take any action to get their charge enforced but equally be assured that there are others who do take action. And once that action starts it is all too easy for costs to totally snowball out of proportion to the original charge.

    You say you have appealed. But may I ask to who? The company itself which issued the ticket or an independent adjudicator? There are currently 2 independent appeals services - POPLA (if the company is a member of the British Parking Association) or The Independent Appeals Service (where a Parking Charge Notice has been issued by a parking operator who is a member of the International parking Community’s Accredited Operator Scheme). Both organisations will consider your appeal independently and it's worth a shot. (I would just add that this must be a common complaint so they presumably have already set a precedent in deciding on an appeal on these grounds. Give them a call and check).

    If you want anymore advice on the independent appeals process, let me know.
  • Private car parks are to offer UK motorists a 10-minute "grace period" before they hand out fines.

    The measure was announced as part of a new code of practice companies have pledged to implement in the autumn.

    Industry trade bodies say the code will also introduce a fairer appeals system and maintain an existing cap on penalty charges.

    Motoring organisations say the code "falls far short" of the standards required to protect "innocent" drivers from the "sharks running private car parks" and government legislation is required.

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