I've got to take my mum down there for 7.30am next Wednesday and stay with her, as she's having a minor op.
I know parking is limited and it's effectively £2 per hour, so could cost me £20.
a) It's cash only, so do the machines accept notes, as well as coins ?
b) Is there any free street parking/cheaper street parking at 7.15am ?
Thanking-you kindly.
Around Lewisham Park is probably best, mate.
Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland are free.
Don't use the hospital as you will be in there a lot longer than you think.
The local cab station to the hospital is good value for money if you decide not to drive
Not sure where you are in the borough and how much the fare would be, but the alternative is going to be a considerable hassle, (a)getting enough change for an unknown lengthy period and (b)going backwards and forwards to your car. As unfair as it may seem just bite the bullet and do it the easy way.
I've been there and done it at various hospitals over the years, it's logically the best way, especially at a time when the last thing you need is added stress for you....................and Mum!
Absolute rip off.
The meters on Lewisham Park only run up til 7pm so its free parking after that. Its a bit mental though as I parked in one of the bays only to return to my car to find someone had stuck their bonnet into a 1/4 of a space behind me and a tree just to get in. Erm...not sure I want to know the answer to why you think that at the moment.
Every single time I have turned up, as the first and only person in outpatients there is a sign up saying the wait is two hours. Every single time.
I don't understand why they make appointments starting at 9am when it should be 11am and there would be much less parking stress.
if your mum is a lbl resident and cant make journeys like this using public transport (maybe too old or disabled) she would qualify for a subsidised cab journey /subsidised cab account
depending how mobile your mum is id park and ride on a bus
hospital car parks are an insult to us all
whatever happens good luck mrs covered end senior
We're Charlton, it's what we do
even left the car out the front before with a 'midwife on call' card in the front window.
Well done mate!!!