Wife has just had Southern Water on the line.
They've gone round to read our meter today and have noticed that over the last three months we've had a leak somewhere as around 700 cubic meters of water have been lost, prior to an Engineering Team coming out we've got to locate the internal and external stop cocks to see whats going on.
Basically know where the external one is but unsure where the internal one might be
Does anyone have any advise or are there any plumbers on here (or that can be recommended) that can help with this?
(Note I am not very clued up on this sort of thing so if anyone has advise, you may need to use finger puppets)
Internal stops will have feeds off the supply after the "Stop Valve" for kitchen sink and then on up to the loft or water cistern wherever that is.
Each of those feeds could have isolation valves on them.
If you have a cistern in the loft you can check if the valve you shut down is the main stop because the water to the cistern will cease.
Most modern homes run off mains pressure, so turning this off will shut down all your cold water supplies. If you have a Cold Water Storage tank in your loft, some cold taps will run off this so it appears if you have turned off the mains stop cock water is still getting through to things like toilets,bath and wash hand basins.
The good news is that they should refund you for the water and pro rata sewage charges that arose because of the leak.