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  • RIP Tam a man of conviction and never sold them.
  • edited January 2017
    RIP. Met him once. Bonkers but well mannered and charming.
  • Right on many things. I admired him as a man of principles.
    Which are sadly lacking in the current crop of politicians.
  • An Etonian and young Conservative who became a Socialist and remained so. He called Thatcher a liar, deceiver, cheat, crook and disgrace to the House of Commons and he probably thought even less of Blair, opposing his backing of the US-led invasion of Iraq. Tam was a good 'un and I raise a glass to him tonight.

    I've no doubt she didn't have a good word to say about him either.
  • edited January 2017
    These RIP threads are beyond a joke.

    Can we not have one big thread unless it's someone really famous?
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  • edited January 2017
    I think you need acourage to tell a truth that nobody wants to hear. His books Thatcher's Torpedo and Misrule were very influential to me. R.I.P.
  • I did meet him once when we tried to save a hospital in Milnathort. It was not his constituency but he tried to help us out. The tories of coursef course closed it, despite thousands petioning to keep it open.
  • These RIP threads are beyond a joke.

    Can we not have one big thread unless it's someone really famous?

    Who decides who is really famous? I've not heard of lots mentioned in these threads but doesn't mean they are not well known to others.

    R.I.P. Tam
  • RIP
    I wonder which way he was facing ?

  • “Tam Dalyell will be remembered as one of this country's greatest ever campaigning MPs,” adding: “He was unique; thoughtful, gracious, decent and utterly tenacious.”

    Ruth Davidson, the Scottish Conservative leader
  • RIP. A decent man sadly missing in politics today.
  • A decent man, and someone to whom I owe vast swathes of my knowledge on devolution to via my two years studying Politics at A Level.

    His West Lothian question was pretty much the trigger point from which I associated everything I knew regarding the regional assemblies and parliaments. So I suppose I'd like to indirectly thank him for 1) my G&P grade; and 2) my now at-best tenuous grasp on regional politics...

    Anyway - his unrelenting pursuit of truth and due process in Parliamentary procedure was only a good thing.

  • He recognised the disadvantage to England with the creation of the Scottish Parliament. So I suppose I should thank him for that.
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