Only a day away now, just wondering about other lifers first Superbowl.
Mine was XX Bears 46 Patriots 10.
I was 14 and expressly forbidden to watch it as I was 14 & had school next day. My tv at the time was an old black & white with dials to tune in the channel & an indoor aerial that you had to move about to get the best picture. Had to watch it with no volume so my parents wouldn't hear. Happy days over to you fellow lifers.
Enjoy the game tomorrow & RISE UP!!!!
First one I remember properly is XX, same as yours, starring my all time favourite player William Perry. Loved watching that guy
Would far rather watch Rugby Union if it's an egg-shaped ball in play.
The NFL coverage just blew my little mind away, talk of blitzes, running backs and flags on the play. I was both confused and captivated.
Tom Landries Cowboys beat the Broncos with a bloke called Randy as the star.
I saw my first game at Wembley in 84 and have since found out this was no NFL at all but a substitute.
It will never replace Football in my life but I dont have to choose between the two so am very lucky. I have got NFL ST for London next year and cant wait.
Oh and tomorrow I will be hoping Atlanta pull it out the bag and have taken Monday off.
Didn't take any interest in the playoffs as a whole until 2015, then the following regular season.
First Superbowl memory for me was Chicago Bears coached by Mike Ditka with The Refrigerator and Walter Payton in 1985. Was living in Chicago when Payton died at aged 45, he was an absolute legend there.
Raiders V Redskins
Was thirteen and people at school had been talking about American Football and watching on channel 4.
Decided to tune in and see what the fuss was about. Chose the raiders to 'support' as liked the badge. They won, and I was hooked.
Will never be able to hear Two Tribes without thinking of channel fours weekly round up.
That seems an awfully long time ago now. Probably because it is!
Diana Ross sung the national anthem.
Cost of a 30 second commercial was £324k. In 2016 it was £5.01 million.
Raiders V Vikings.
I had been a Raiders fan since I lived in Palo Alto in the early 70's.
I watched the game(on a live link) at the Odeon Leicester Square and sat next to the one and only Terry Downes, who was also a Raiders fan.
Raiders won.....32-14. Their first of three Super Bowl victories!
it was when this bloke caught the ball just outside his own touchdown area and rang the length of the pitch to score a touchdown. the commentator was screaming it was one of the best touchdowns in super bowl history. after hearing that I knew the sport was not for me.
It was when channel 4 first started showing matches and I had adopted the patriots purely because they had 'england' in their name.
They broke all kinds of Super Bowl records like heaviest defeat etc.
Would you mind explaining exactly why you hold this view, as I completely disagree.
I'd love to see a man call someone like Dan Cole ponsey!!
The hits are huge - although granted not as hard as some hits in AF. The big difference is that the hits are frequent in RU and there's no protection. All of the Americans I know would bow to the argument that RU is the superior game.
I've started watching a lot more NFL over the last couple years and went to Wembley this year to watch my first live game. But I have no team I have any kind of affiliation to. I want to have a favourite so it makes it more interesting but have no idea who to pick or why.
I had a friend who played in a local league (woolwich?) and I'd help him get his NFL fix by playing on the Sega Megadrive.
I liked the Chiefs because they were generally under dogs and under appreciated. Nothing much as changed.