I'm thinking of using the Cyclescheme to get a new bike.
Has anyone here used this? Is it worthwhile? What happens if you change jobs/get made redundant part way through the payment period? Do you lose the tax cut on all the loan or just pro rata to the month you're in?
Many thanks.
And in case you're interested I'll be getting a Genesis Tour de Fer 10 or a Ridgeback Expedition.
Not to sure on the ins and outs but I borrowed £1200 each time and £100 was deducted from my gross salary. The saving is what you'd normally pay in tax and NI as I understand it.
Keep in mind that when purchasing the bike and accessories, both stores made me spend the full amount of the voucher. Had some trouble when turning up and finding the bike I had intended to buy had been reduced by 25%. Excess was spent on tyres, lights, helmet etc