from the following knowing their win ratios
Riga - 33.3% - 36 games
43.75% - 16 games
25% - 20 games Peeters- 25% - 28 games
Luzon 33.3% - 36 games
Fraeye 14.2% - 14 games
Slade 23.8% - 21 games
Robinson 16% - 25 games
Who would you install as old/new manager to carry us over the last few games? Or do you keep Robinson?
Riga or Luzon based on the above.
I like Riga he never hid behind excuses and seemed to like the club (until the protests

After that I'd keep Robinson (amazingly) as I feel with the right players he could actually have us playing half decent football.
Peeters and Slade loved a draw too much, and Luzon was too one dimensional
Damian Matthew 0% (1 game)
Kevin Nugent 100% (2 games)
I would say just stick with Robinson as he knows the current squad but it's clear that he is officially completely useless.
Luzon is a someone I simply just really hate. He is and was a complete joke. How on earth did we get any kind of result under him.
He actually fielded an in form Tony watt. How did he manage that, for one thing. What a joke.
His personal affiliation with Roland is simply just sad. Wanker
Back to the million dolla question.
None of em.
if someone's holding a gun to my head.
I think this might apply to the question in the title of this thread. It doesn't matter, let's move on. Or, perhaps, move off, RD.