For people that can't see twitter we have, today, issued £21.5 worth of new shares. What does that mean?
I’m no economist. But it seems clear that some sort of financial/economic activity is taking place. Probably to do with the club. I’d recommend getting that verified by someone else.
Brilliant. I'll admit that I'm no economist either, but I think you might be right. Furthermore, I think the amount of economic activity involved could be somewhere around the £21m-£22m mark.
Yes. Makes sense. The picture is coming into focus.
For people that can't see twitter we have, today, issued £21.5 worth of new shares. What does that mean?
I’m no economist. But it seems clear that some sort of financial/economic activity is taking place. Probably to do with the club. I’d recommend getting that verified by someone else.
It's from Companies House mate, who do you want to verify it? The Queen?
Well if your on speaking terms why didnt you get her to buy the club!!... Sod the EFL and their conflict of interest
Let is be clear, there is a potential chairman who used to be a football agent and has, as one might expect, decent PR skills and a desire to do well for himself financially.
The primary investment vehicle is run by the man who runs the private family office of one of the six ruling families of an oil state. His job is to diversify the oil money into long term investments that are successful reputationally and financially.
I’m sure he may have had some failures along the way but I am also sure he is not where he is by having failed often.
Let’s just hope we get rid of Duchatelet soon and then if there are issues with the new plans, let us engage with the new owners at an appropriate time with any concerns.
I would not expect any regime to be perfect. Anyone who does probably needs to visit their doctor.
At the end of the day why would ANYONE buy a Championship football club, a division where clubs make horrible losses?
There are a TINY number of owners who happen to be be fabulously rich AND genuinely support the club, but the rest of the them are doing it for more complicated motives, whether ego, personal or national prestige, politics, the desire to tap the PL money bucket etc. That is the reality of modern day football, and unless you can find a local billionaire who stood on the Covered End in his youth, the only likely option for a new owner.
I came pretty close on a couple of occasions..............but sadly no cigar!
Damn! No point brown nosing to you anymore then mate 😉.
Very close to the rounded amount shown in the last published accounts under "revaluation reserve". So it's been switched to called-up shares with no actual dosh changing hands would be my guess.
Would £21 ish million be the £18 ish million Roland paid for the club? If you include interest?
But you wouldn't issue shares, you would transfer them. Is it the last 3 years losses? It would sound about right once the Lookman money is accounted for.
For people that can't see twitter we have, today, issued £21.5 worth of new shares. What does that mean?
I’m no economist. But it seems clear that some sort of financial/economic activity is taking place. Probably to do with the club. I’d recommend getting that verified by someone else.
It's from Companies House mate, who do you want to verify it? The Queen?
It is a way of spending money or a way of not spending money. Is it good or is it bad? I don't care much because I much more prefer all this mob to the last two lots, maybe wrong but doubt it.
Odds on Roly converting loans to shares to simplify sale.
I am no accountant but surely you would rather your loan is repaid through the sale rather than equity as it would be better from a tax perspective I would have thought?
It is a way of spending money or a way of not spending money. Is it good or is it bad? I don't care much because I much more prefer all this mob to the last two lots, maybe wrong but doubt it.
Anyone know what this bottom bit might mean (Administrator, Administrative Receiver ect.)? -
Nothing to be worried about if that's what you're thinking. Just one of those bits on a doc to show it was filed legitimately. Was most likely filed by a director or secretary.
Maybe it has been done to create one share for each member of our new consortium and each individual in Abu Dhabi will be gifted a share for Xmas with us run on a voting basis by shareholders so pick the team etc just like Ebbsfleet were and that is what Bowyer thought was strange.
My legs are turning to jelly at the thought of us spending so much
Will hit 8m by 30th when the takeover is announced.
But you wouldn't issue shares, you would transfer them. Is it the last 3 years losses? It would sound about right once the Lookman money is accounted for.
This is "unique".
The last time I bought some I made.
A fuckin total loss
So who ever got these shares owns about 80% of the club?
Quite a lot of money to me in those days.
Some of my mates lost a fair bit more.
The things we do for our club.
How are you anyway mate.
All ok I hope