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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • edited March 2018
    This is getting exciting again. I wonder what happened to that short arse take over thread? Nothing personal #AFKABartram.
  • Redhenry said:

    Apparently my mob looking likely to win. Don’t know any of the details re bids etc.

    Could this be because they are a mega rich bidder an inflated asking price is not so much of a problem?
  • B great if red henrys super rich lot came in and saved the day but wouldnt that mean going back a few stages time wise ??? Just can't see it myself
  • Redhenry said:

    Apparently my mob looking likely to win. Don’t know any of the details re bids etc.

    CAFC have been looking likely to win on many occasions at the last minute this season. We all know how that went.
  • Curb_It said:

    Oh here we go. Come on RedHenry’s mob!

    At this stage any mob will do.

    Bmob? :wink:
  • DOUCHER said:

    B great if red henrys super rich lot came in and saved the day but wouldnt that mean going back a few stages time wise ??? Just can't see it myself

    Care to enlighten us further @DOUCHER ?
  • Thai curry and a Redbull for me then tonight
  • Redhenry said:

    Redhenry are your lot ready with a bid yet or have they walked away

    They are definitely still in.
    Getting worried that @Redhenry may just be on a purely wind up mission to collect more ‘Likes’ per post than any other poster in CL history...


    If Red Henry is right, he definitely deserves a promote.

    Don't tell the other Henry though :smile:

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  • DOUCHER said:

    B great if red henrys super rich lot came in and saved the day but wouldnt that mean going back a few stages time wise ??? Just can't see it myself

    Care to enlighten us further @DOUCHER ?
    I thought we had established that neither of the 2 under consideration were red henrys lot - who were in the long grass - waiting like panthers - having said that, there is a compound firming at Charing Cross with people sleeping rough and along with all the essentials - card board boxes, blankets, sleeping bags, trollies etc - there is inexplicably - a large porcelain panther!!!! Is it a sign???!
  • Forming
  • DOUCHER said:


    Edit button?
  • JamesSeed said:

    DOUCHER said:


    Edit button?
    Where is it?
  • Redhenry said:

    Apparently my mob looking likely to win. Don’t know any of the details re bids etc.

    So you're happy then?
    I think we all should be.
    I know I'm easily pleased being a cafc fan but I've had the rug pulled out from me too often now.
    I'll be pleased once Douchbag has fecked off.
  • I have flag quote like and lol - only ever used quote
  • DOUCHER said:

    I have flag quote like and lol - only ever used quote

    Edit button is the little wheel thingy, top right corner of your post.

  • DOUCHER said:

    I have flag quote like and lol - only ever used quote

    Charlton Life's hipster
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  • DOUCHER said:

    JamesSeed said:

    DOUCHER said:


    Edit button?
    Where is it?
    Draw an imaginary line through your name and keep going until you get to near to the top right corner of the post. Click there and the cog symbol will appear. Then click edit. You have 24 hrs to edit.
  • Thai curry and a Redbull for me then tonight

    Pot noodle for me.
  • Didn't he tell us he would be running things in the absence of a CEO?

    He didn't really, to be fair. That is how people interpreted it. There was never any chance of that.
    He seems to be easier than most to misinterpret!
  • edited March 2018
    DOUCHER said:

    I have flag quote like and lol - only ever used quote

    To show there are no hard feelings Dan top right it's a little cog, tap on it and edit appears then tap on that and away you go amending the original text. That's your lot, back to ignore mode :wink:
  • I heard that the only hold up is that RedHenry's mob just wanted to make some changes to the new changing rooms at the training ground and they wanted to be sure it wouldn't affect the planning permission.

  • As if we'd be taken over by a ridiculously rich persons who wanted success... any other club I could believe it, but us?
  • Redhenry said:

    Apparently my mob looking likely to win. Don’t know any of the details re bids etc.

    I do hope this is true and that it ain't too far away
  • Redhenry said:

    Apparently my mob looking likely to win. Don’t know any of the details re bids etc.

    I do hope this is true and that it ain't too far away
    China, Russia, Middle-East - they are all a fair distance.

  • @Redhenry
    How close to “your mob” is your source/contact, on the inside? the periphery? or totally unconnected?
This discussion has been closed.

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