It might be Luddite and flat earth, but despite the very minor notion that I might be excluded from something or other I don't regret not being on Facebook or twitter. They are everywhere, and venerable institutions operate on the assumption that everybody is on those platforms, not everybody is. Just like not everybody eats meat and fish. Twitter and Facebook are very wealthy private businesses and not everybody wants to be involved with them, from the outside both platforms seem to me to be the MacDonald's of the internet in that they are everywhere, on the surface attractive, yet ultimately damaging especially to human intellect and interaction. Watching the rule by tweet of Trump and others, and the very selective perspective that Facebook shows to the world often leading to trouble and strife for people I really don't understand why people use those things. Maybe there is something massive I am missing out on, but I doubt it, perhaps Twitter and Facebook are passing phenomena that will disappear as quickly as they arrived.
Twitter's great for showing how stupid you are and for issuing death threats against those you disagree with. Marvellous!
It might be Luddite and flat earth, but despite the very minor notion that I might be excluded from something or other I don't regret not being on Facebook or twitter. They are everywhere, and venerable institutions operate on the assumption that everybody is on those platforms, not everybody is. Just like not everybody eats meat and fish. Twitter and Facebook are very wealthy private businesses and not everybody wants to be involved with them, from the outside both platforms seem to me to be the MacDonald's of the internet in that they are everywhere, on the surface attractive, yet ultimately damaging especially to human intellect and interaction. Watching the rule by tweet of Trump and others, and the very selective perspective that Facebook shows to the world often leading to trouble and strife for people I really don't understand why people use those things. Maybe there is something massive I am missing out on, but I doubt it, perhaps Twitter and Facebook are passing phenomena that will disappear as quickly as they arrived.
Goodness me Paulie, not sure what I'll-informed point you were trying to make but even thinking of quoting a source like the "Loyalist Channel" tells us more than we ever wanted to know about your political leanings.
"No surrender" to the appropriation of Lee Rigby's memory by a bunch of frustrated racists.
i dont give 2 shits about politics, this came on my timeline as it was re tweeted by a snooker player
See, that's where the problem lies though. Someone retweets something that's from a pretty appalling account, and you retweet it yourself without knowing anything about it.
I never re tweeted it, all i did was post it on here, never made a comment just posted it on here
Behave. It's the same fucking thing. Just because you didn't post it on Twitter, you posted it here. It's spreading the bile. Doesn't matter what medium you use.
It might be Luddite and flat earth, but despite the very minor notion that I might be excluded from something or other I don't regret not being on Facebook or twitter. They are everywhere, and venerable institutions operate on the assumption that everybody is on those platforms, not everybody is. Just like not everybody eats meat and fish. Twitter and Facebook are very wealthy private businesses and not everybody wants to be involved with them, from the outside both platforms seem to me to be the MacDonald's of the internet in that they are everywhere, on the surface attractive, yet ultimately damaging especially to human intellect and interaction. Watching the rule by tweet of Trump and others, and the very selective perspective that Facebook shows to the world often leading to trouble and strife for people I really don't understand why people use those things. Maybe there is something massive I am missing out on, but I doubt it, perhaps Twitter and Facebook are passing phenomena that will disappear as quickly as they arrived.
You should see what's being said about you, Seth
People can say stuff, but isn't saying stuff on Twitter or facebook like shouting at the moon?
It might be Luddite and flat earth, but despite the very minor notion that I might be excluded from something or other I don't regret not being on Facebook or twitter. They are everywhere, and venerable institutions operate on the assumption that everybody is on those platforms, not everybody is. Just like not everybody eats meat and fish. Twitter and Facebook are very wealthy private businesses and not everybody wants to be involved with them, from the outside both platforms seem to me to be the MacDonald's of the internet in that they are everywhere, on the surface attractive, yet ultimately damaging especially to human intellect and interaction. Watching the rule by tweet of Trump and others, and the very selective perspective that Facebook shows to the world often leading to trouble and strife for people I really don't understand why people use those things. Maybe there is something massive I am missing out on, but I doubt it, perhaps Twitter and Facebook are passing phenomena that will disappear as quickly as they arrived.
You should see what's being said about you, Seth
People can say stuff, but isn't saying stuff on Twitter or facebook like shouting at the moon?
It might be Luddite and flat earth, but despite the very minor notion that I might be excluded from something or other I don't regret not being on Facebook or twitter. They are everywhere, and venerable institutions operate on the assumption that everybody is on those platforms, not everybody is. Just like not everybody eats meat and fish. Twitter and Facebook are very wealthy private businesses and not everybody wants to be involved with them, from the outside both platforms seem to me to be the MacDonald's of the internet in that they are everywhere, on the surface attractive, yet ultimately damaging especially to human intellect and interaction. Watching the rule by tweet of Trump and others, and the very selective perspective that Facebook shows to the world often leading to trouble and strife for people I really don't understand why people use those things. Maybe there is something massive I am missing out on, but I doubt it, perhaps Twitter and Facebook are passing phenomena that will disappear as quickly as they arrived.
If you’ve never used either service, you’re not really in a position to comment on the relative pros and cons of them.
Facebook is great for keeping somewhat up to date with how old or distant friends are doing, keeping up to date with your favourite bands or sport teams, and hear and discus about news stories or opinion pieces that might have passed you by - particularly if you have the kind of ‘friends’ who will share interesting things they have found online. It’s noyt actually so different to Charlton Life only it has a more multimedia interface and you actually know most of the people you are in contact with through it.
I use Twitter a lot less as I find the 140 character thing a bit restrictive for nuanced discussion of complicated topics. But if you follow the right people it’s a good place to get a heads up on what’s going on, although it’s a more publicly open forum so you do get exposed more to extreme views from vociferous minorities.
Yes there are possible issues about personal data collection, fake news, etc. but, like with everything, it’s about being an educated consumer. If you read a Daily Mail or Guardian article you know you are getting a certain slant on things, and have to adjust the way you process it accordingly. Both websit s have also been enormously powerful tools in protests and direct action against oppression around the world - the Arab spring for example.
It might be Luddite and flat earth, but despite the very minor notion that I might be excluded from something or other I don't regret not being on Facebook or twitter. They are everywhere, and venerable institutions operate on the assumption that everybody is on those platforms, not everybody is. Just like not everybody eats meat and fish. Twitter and Facebook are very wealthy private businesses and not everybody wants to be involved with them, from the outside both platforms seem to me to be the MacDonald's of the internet in that they are everywhere, on the surface attractive, yet ultimately damaging especially to human intellect and interaction. Watching the rule by tweet of Trump and others, and the very selective perspective that Facebook shows to the world often leading to trouble and strife for people I really don't understand why people use those things. Maybe there is something massive I am missing out on, but I doubt it, perhaps Twitter and Facebook are passing phenomena that will disappear as quickly as they arrived.
If you’ve never used either service, you’re not really in a position to comment on the relative pros and cons of them.
Facebook is great for keeping somewhat up to date with how old or distant friends are doing, keeping up to date with your favourite bands or sport teams, and hear and discus about news stories or opinion pieces that might have passed you by - particularly if you have the kind of ‘friends’ who will share interesting things they have found online. It’s noyt actually so different to Charlton Life only it has a more multimedia interface and you actually know most of the people you are in contact with through it.
I use Twitter a lot less as I find the 140 character thing a bit restrictive for nuanced discussion of complicated topics. But if you follow the right people it’s a good place to get a heads up on what’s going on, although it’s a more publicly open forum so you do get exposed more to extreme views from vociferous minorities.
Yes there are possible issues about personal data collection, fake news, etc. but, like with everything, it’s about being an educated consumer. If you read a Daily Mail or Guardian article you know you are getting a certain slant on things, and have to adjust the way you process it accordingly. Both websit s have also been enormously powerful tools in protests and direct action against oppression around the world - the Arab spring for example.
Interesting. And I am not in a position to comment. I am curious as to why such astoundingly rich companies are apparently 'free', and that makes me suspicious.
It might be Luddite and flat earth, but despite the very minor notion that I might be excluded from something or other I don't regret not being on Facebook or twitter. They are everywhere, and venerable institutions operate on the assumption that everybody is on those platforms, not everybody is. Just like not everybody eats meat and fish. Twitter and Facebook are very wealthy private businesses and not everybody wants to be involved with them, from the outside both platforms seem to me to be the MacDonald's of the internet in that they are everywhere, on the surface attractive, yet ultimately damaging especially to human intellect and interaction. Watching the rule by tweet of Trump and others, and the very selective perspective that Facebook shows to the world often leading to trouble and strife for people I really don't understand why people use those things. Maybe there is something massive I am missing out on, but I doubt it, perhaps Twitter and Facebook are passing phenomena that will disappear as quickly as they arrived.
If you’ve never used either service, you’re not really in a position to comment on the relative pros and cons of them.
Facebook is great for keeping somewhat up to date with how old or distant friends are doing, keeping up to date with your favourite bands or sport teams, and hear and discus about news stories or opinion pieces that might have passed you by - particularly if you have the kind of ‘friends’ who will share interesting things they have found online. It’s noyt actually so different to Charlton Life only it has a more multimedia interface and you actually know most of the people you are in contact with through it.
I use Twitter a lot less as I find the 140 character thing a bit restrictive for nuanced discussion of complicated topics. But if you follow the right people it’s a good place to get a heads up on what’s going on, although it’s a more publicly open forum so you do get exposed more to extreme views from vociferous minorities.
Yes there are possible issues about personal data collection, fake news, etc. but, like with everything, it’s about being an educated consumer. If you read a Daily Mail or Guardian article you know you are getting a certain slant on things, and have to adjust the way you process it accordingly. Both websit s have also been enormously powerful tools in protests and direct action against oppression around the world - the Arab spring for example.
Interesting. And I am not in a position to comment. I am curious as to why such astoundingly rich companies are apparently 'free', and that makes me suspicious.
Commercial Radio is technically free, advertising is king.
The sad thing is that the Ministry of Defence have a perfect spot for a proper memorial to Lee Rigby. At the entrance to the barracks, permanently guarded with machine guns so it can't be used as a political tool by, well, tools.
Sadly, Greenwich Council appears to be unwilling or unable to press them on this - it shouldn't have to take all the flak, but it hasn't handled this well at all.
As for the spreading of far-right social media rubbish, including on here...
The sad thing is that the Ministry of Defence have a perfect spot for a proper memorial to Lee Rigby. At the entrance to the barracks, permanently guarded with machine guns so it can't be used as a political tool by, well, tools.
Sadly, Greenwich Council appears to be unwilling or unable to press them on this - it shouldn't have to take all the flak, but it hasn't handled this well at all.
As for the spreading of far-right social media rubbish, including on here...
I think the comments on here towards Paulie are completely unfair. Never in his posts have I seen any political leanings and this one doesn’t either. He isn’t spreading racist garbage merely highlighting the fact the a memorial has been removed. The council can make all the claims they want, it being “unsightly” is one of the worse things I’ve ever read, I find it pretty outstanding people can link hanging flags in memory of someone who had his head chopped off in an area close to us all as racist. Yes some flags are football related and that’s not what is wanted or expected, it’s about remembering a horrific act and paying respect to someone who would of gave everything for us. The book of remembrance in the town hall is for all atrocities in the world and if you can get into the boarded up St. George’s chapel to pay your respect to lee then fair play to you. No one questions the flowers and bike by the junction of the old greenwich hospital, no one questions the Stephen Lawrence plaque. Because it’s the right thing to do. (Some May disagree) And Lee Rigby having a plaque at the spot where he was brutally and savagely murdered is also right. The fact people want to make it political and accuse people of racism is a joke. It’s about right and wrong and respect. Don’t make it into something that it isn’t.
It might be Luddite and flat earth, but despite the very minor notion that I might be excluded from something or other I don't regret not being on Facebook or twitter. They are everywhere, and venerable institutions operate on the assumption that everybody is on those platforms, not everybody is. Just like not everybody eats meat and fish. Twitter and Facebook are very wealthy private businesses and not everybody wants to be involved with them, from the outside both platforms seem to me to be the MacDonald's of the internet in that they are everywhere, on the surface attractive, yet ultimately damaging especially to human intellect and interaction. Watching the rule by tweet of Trump and others, and the very selective perspective that Facebook shows to the world often leading to trouble and strife for people I really don't understand why people use those things. Maybe there is something massive I am missing out on, but I doubt it, perhaps Twitter and Facebook are passing phenomena that will disappear as quickly as they arrived.
If you’ve never used either service, you’re not really in a position to comment on the relative pros and cons of them.
Facebook is great for keeping somewhat up to date with how old or distant friends are doing, keeping up to date with your favourite bands or sport teams, and hear and discus about news stories or opinion pieces that might have passed you by - particularly if you have the kind of ‘friends’ who will share interesting things they have found online. It’s noyt actually so different to Charlton Life only it has a more multimedia interface and you actually know most of the people you are in contact with through it.
I use Twitter a lot less as I find the 140 character thing a bit restrictive for nuanced discussion of complicated topics. But if you follow the right people it’s a good place to get a heads up on what’s going on, although it’s a more publicly open forum so you do get exposed more to extreme views from vociferous minorities.
Yes there are possible issues about personal data collection, fake news, etc. but, like with everything, it’s about being an educated consumer. If you read a Daily Mail or Guardian article you know you are getting a certain slant on things, and have to adjust the way you process it accordingly. Both websit s have also been enormously powerful tools in protests and direct action against oppression around the world - the Arab spring for example.
Interesting. And I am not in a position to comment. I am curious as to why such astoundingly rich companies are apparently 'free', and that makes me suspicious.
If you are not paying for it , you are not the customer, you are the product being sold .....
Instead of posting utter and total shit why don't you try to recall the exact reason why there is anger among a large number of people and why there is a demand for a memorial to be placed in that exact spot.
If you have forgotten I will quickly remind you. It is because a serving member of the British armed forces was run down with a car, was stabbed multiple times, had his throat cut and an attempt was made to remove his head in broad fucking daylight on a UK street in the Borough of Greenwich by Islamic extremist scum who were radicalised on Greenwich Council's watch in one of their so-called community centres on Glyndon.
Most tragic murders have a plaque in the exact spot, we all know why there isn’t one and quite frankly it’s time we took political correctness and threw it in the bin, as can you imagine the uproar if stephen Lawrence didn’t have one and this is a similar racist crime, as they were racist they butchered a person in cold blood because of there perverse interpretation of a religion.
Most tragic murders have a plaque in the exact spot, we all know why there isn’t one and quite frankly it’s time we took political correctness and threw it in the bin, as can you imagine the uproar if stephen Lawrence didn’t have one and this is a similar racist crime, as they were racist they butchered a person in cold blood because of there perverse interpretation of a religion.
I'd prefer to let the family of Lee Rigby decide where the memorial should be than a bunch of far right Neanderthals like the EDL and Loyalist Channel.
Most tragic murders have a plaque in the exact spot, we all know why there isn’t one and quite frankly it’s time we took political correctness and threw it in the bin, as can you imagine the uproar if stephen Lawrence didn’t have one and this is a similar racist crime, as they were racist they butchered a person in cold blood because of there perverse interpretation of a religion.
I'd prefer to let the family of Lee Rigby decide where the memorial should be than a bunch of far right Neanderthals like the EDL and Loyalist Channel.
Most tragic murders have a plaque in the exact spot, we all know why there isn’t one and quite frankly it’s time we took political correctness and threw it in the bin, as can you imagine the uproar if stephen Lawrence didn’t have one and this is a similar racist crime, as they were racist they butchered a person in cold blood because of there perverse interpretation of a religion.
I'd prefer to let the family of Lee Rigby decide where the memorial should be than a bunch of far right Neanderthals like the EDL and Loyalist Channel.
But it didn't just affect the Rigby family.
When this tragic incident took place, a lot of people witnessed it, a lot of people saw the thing unfold and were deeply affected by it. I know all the Ambulance crews who were involved, I know some of the Police involved.
The public would like a public place where they can visit, where they can pay their respect too him. Yes there is a memorial to Lee in the chapel but it isn't solely for him, it is dedicated to a lot of others too. It's also situated in a closed chapel that is locked up, so are you actually able to view it? Place flowers beside it?
It seems to me that all they are asking is for a place where those people can pay their respects to a fallen hero. I can't see much wrong with that.
Most tragic murders have a plaque in the exact spot, we all know why there isn’t one and quite frankly it’s time we took political correctness and threw it in the bin, as can you imagine the uproar if stephen Lawrence didn’t have one and this is a similar racist crime, as they were racist they butchered a person in cold blood because of there perverse interpretation of a religion.
I'd prefer to let the family of Lee Rigby decide where the memorial should be than a bunch of far right Neanderthals like the EDL and Loyalist Channel.
But it didn't just affect the Rigby family.
When this tragic incident took place, a lot of people witnessed it, a lot of people saw the thing unfold and were deeply affected by it. I know all the Ambulance crews who were involved, I know some of the Police involved.
The public would like a public place where they can visit, where they can pay their respect too him. Yes there is a memorial to Lee in the chapel but it isn't solely for him, it is dedicated to a lot of others too. It's also situated in a closed chapel that is locked up, so are you actually able to view it? Place flowers beside it?
It seems to me that all they are asking is for a place where those people can pay their respects to a fallen hero. I can't see much wrong with that.
I agree which is why there is a memorial, approved by the family, up the road.
Most tragic murders have a plaque in the exact spot, we all know why there isn’t one and quite frankly it’s time we took political correctness and threw it in the bin, as can you imagine the uproar if stephen Lawrence didn’t have one and this is a similar racist crime, as they were racist they butchered a person in cold blood because of there perverse interpretation of a religion.
I'd prefer to let the family of Lee Rigby decide where the memorial should be than a bunch of far right Neanderthals like the EDL and Loyalist Channel.
But it didn't just affect the Rigby family.
When this tragic incident took place, a lot of people witnessed it, a lot of people saw the thing unfold and were deeply affected by it. I know all the Ambulance crews who were involved, I know some of the Police involved.
The public would like a public place where they can visit, where they can pay their respect too him. Yes there is a memorial to Lee in the chapel but it isn't solely for him, it is dedicated to a lot of others too. It's also situated in a closed chapel that is locked up, so are you actually able to view it? Place flowers beside it?
It seems to me that all they are asking is for a place where those people can pay their respects to a fallen hero. I can't see much wrong with that.
Some people on the far right want to use Lee Right's death for political capital - they're just as scummy as other extremists. They all deserve to be condemned.
It must take a lot of wasted energy to be so hateful.....
Most tragic murders have a plaque in the exact spot, we all know why there isn’t one and quite frankly it’s time we took political correctness and threw it in the bin, as can you imagine the uproar if stephen Lawrence didn’t have one and this is a similar racist crime, as they were racist they butchered a person in cold blood because of there perverse interpretation of a religion.
I'd prefer to let the family of Lee Rigby decide where the memorial should be than a bunch of far right Neanderthals like the EDL and Loyalist Channel.
But it didn't just affect the Rigby family.
When this tragic incident took place, a lot of people witnessed it, a lot of people saw the thing unfold and were deeply affected by it. I know all the Ambulance crews who were involved, I know some of the Police involved.
The public would like a public place where they can visit, where they can pay their respect too him. Yes there is a memorial to Lee in the chapel but it isn't solely for him, it is dedicated to a lot of others too. It's also situated in a closed chapel that is locked up, so are you actually able to view it? Place flowers beside it?
It seems to me that all they are asking is for a place where those people can pay their respects to a fallen hero. I can't see much wrong with that.
Some people on the far right want to use Lee Right's death for political capital - they're just as scummy as other extremists. They all deserve to be condemned.
It must take a lot of wasted energy to be so hateful.....
As far as I’m aware the “far right” haven’t tried to behead someone in the street, so no there not as bad. I want to see a memorial in place because I think it’s right if lees family wanted it.
Most tragic murders have a plaque in the exact spot, we all know why there isn’t one and quite frankly it’s time we took political correctness and threw it in the bin, as can you imagine the uproar if stephen Lawrence didn’t have one and this is a similar racist crime, as they were racist they butchered a person in cold blood because of there perverse interpretation of a religion.
I'd prefer to let the family of Lee Rigby decide where the memorial should be than a bunch of far right Neanderthals like the EDL and Loyalist Channel.
But it didn't just affect the Rigby family.
When this tragic incident took place, a lot of people witnessed it, a lot of people saw the thing unfold and were deeply affected by it. I know all the Ambulance crews who were involved, I know some of the Police involved.
The public would like a public place where they can visit, where they can pay their respect too him. Yes there is a memorial to Lee in the chapel but it isn't solely for him, it is dedicated to a lot of others too. It's also situated in a closed chapel that is locked up, so are you actually able to view it? Place flowers beside it?
It seems to me that all they are asking is for a place where those people can pay their respects to a fallen hero. I can't see much wrong with that.
Some people on the far right want to use Lee Right's death for political capital - they're just as scummy as other extremists. They all deserve to be condemned.
It must take a lot of wasted energy to be so hateful.....
As far as I’m aware the “far right” haven’t tried to behead someone in the street, so no there not as bad. I want to see a memorial in place because I think it’s right if lees family wanted it.
There is a memorial in place. I dislike all extremists and don't see any point working out who is the least bad.
The far right have used his death to stir things up for their own ends - anyone who sympathies with that has pretty dodgy ideals.
There are lots of constructive things that can be done rather than stirring up hatred.
Most tragic murders have a plaque in the exact spot, we all know why there isn’t one and quite frankly it’s time we took political correctness and threw it in the bin, as can you imagine the uproar if stephen Lawrence didn’t have one and this is a similar racist crime, as they were racist they butchered a person in cold blood because of there perverse interpretation of a religion.
I'd prefer to let the family of Lee Rigby decide where the memorial should be than a bunch of far right Neanderthals like the EDL and Loyalist Channel.
But it didn't just affect the Rigby family.
When this tragic incident took place, a lot of people witnessed it, a lot of people saw the thing unfold and were deeply affected by it. I know all the Ambulance crews who were involved, I know some of the Police involved.
The public would like a public place where they can visit, where they can pay their respect too him. Yes there is a memorial to Lee in the chapel but it isn't solely for him, it is dedicated to a lot of others too. It's also situated in a closed chapel that is locked up, so are you actually able to view it? Place flowers beside it?
It seems to me that all they are asking is for a place where those people can pay their respects to a fallen hero. I can't see much wrong with that.
Some people on the far right want to use Lee Right's death for political capital - they're just as scummy as other extremists. They all deserve to be condemned.
It must take a lot of wasted energy to be so hateful.....
As far as I’m aware the “far right” haven’t tried to behead someone in the street, so no there not as bad. I want to see a memorial in place because I think it’s right if lees family wanted it.
There is a memorial in place. I dislike all extremists and don't see any point working out who is the least bad.
The far right have used his death to stir things up for their own ends - anyone who sympathies with that has pretty dodgy ideals.
There are lots of constructive things that can be done rather than stirring up hatred.
Most tragic murders have a plaque in the exact spot, we all know why there isn’t one and quite frankly it’s time we took political correctness and threw it in the bin, as can you imagine the uproar if stephen Lawrence didn’t have one and this is a similar racist crime, as they were racist they butchered a person in cold blood because of there perverse interpretation of a religion.
I'd prefer to let the family of Lee Rigby decide where the memorial should be than a bunch of far right Neanderthals like the EDL and Loyalist Channel.
But it didn't just affect the Rigby family.
When this tragic incident took place, a lot of people witnessed it, a lot of people saw the thing unfold and were deeply affected by it. I know all the Ambulance crews who were involved, I know some of the Police involved.
The public would like a public place where they can visit, where they can pay their respect too him. Yes there is a memorial to Lee in the chapel but it isn't solely for him, it is dedicated to a lot of others too. It's also situated in a closed chapel that is locked up, so are you actually able to view it? Place flowers beside it?
It seems to me that all they are asking is for a place where those people can pay their respects to a fallen hero. I can't see much wrong with that.
Some people on the far right want to use Lee Right's death for political capital - they're just as scummy as other extremists. They all deserve to be condemned.
It must take a lot of wasted energy to be so hateful.....
As far as I’m aware the “far right” haven’t tried to behead someone in the street, so no there not as bad. I want to see a memorial in place because I think it’s right if lees family wanted it.
There is a memorial in place. I dislike all extremists and don't see any point working out who is the least bad.
The far right have used his death to stir things up for their own ends - anyone who sympathies with that has pretty dodgy ideals.
There are lots of constructive things that can be done rather than stirring up hatred.
Like a memorial where the poor soul lost his life?
Most tragic murders have a plaque in the exact spot, we all know why there isn’t one and quite frankly it’s time we took political correctness and threw it in the bin, as can you imagine the uproar if stephen Lawrence didn’t have one and this is a similar racist crime, as they were racist they butchered a person in cold blood because of there perverse interpretation of a religion.
I'd prefer to let the family of Lee Rigby decide where the memorial should be than a bunch of far right Neanderthals like the EDL and Loyalist Channel.
But it didn't just affect the Rigby family.
When this tragic incident took place, a lot of people witnessed it, a lot of people saw the thing unfold and were deeply affected by it. I know all the Ambulance crews who were involved, I know some of the Police involved.
The public would like a public place where they can visit, where they can pay their respect too him. Yes there is a memorial to Lee in the chapel but it isn't solely for him, it is dedicated to a lot of others too. It's also situated in a closed chapel that is locked up, so are you actually able to view it? Place flowers beside it?
It seems to me that all they are asking is for a place where those people can pay their respects to a fallen hero. I can't see much wrong with that.
Some people on the far right want to use Lee Right's death for political capital - they're just as scummy as other extremists. They all deserve to be condemned.
It must take a lot of wasted energy to be so hateful.....
As far as I’m aware the “far right” haven’t tried to behead someone in the street, so no there not as bad. I want to see a memorial in place because I think it’s right if lees family wanted it.
There is a memorial in place. I dislike all extremists and don't see any point working out who is the least bad.
The far right have used his death to stir things up for their own ends - anyone who sympathies with that has pretty dodgy ideals.
There are lots of constructive things that can be done rather than stirring up hatred.
Like a memorial where the poor soul lost his life?
There is a memorial plaque in a nearby chapel - the family attended the unveiling. How many do you need?
Whose benefit is the unnoficial one for? It just gives the angry brigade something to mouth off about. Maybe they could do some voluntary work instead or donate to a forces charity.
Maybe they could go and threaten the council workers or bosses when the unofficial tributes are removed because obviously that's the way to behave.
Facebook is great for keeping somewhat up to date with how old or distant friends are doing, keeping up to date with your favourite bands or sport teams, and hear and discus about news stories or opinion pieces that might have passed you by - particularly if you have the kind of ‘friends’ who will share interesting things they have found online. It’s noyt actually so different to Charlton Life only it has a more multimedia interface and you actually know most of the people you are in contact with through it.
I use Twitter a lot less as I find the 140 character thing a bit restrictive for nuanced discussion of complicated topics. But if you follow the right people it’s a good place to get a heads up on what’s going on, although it’s a more publicly open forum so you do get exposed more to extreme views from vociferous minorities.
Yes there are possible issues about personal data collection, fake news, etc. but, like with everything, it’s about being an educated consumer. If you read a Daily Mail or Guardian article you know you are getting a certain slant on things, and have to adjust the way you process it accordingly. Both websit s have also been enormously powerful tools in protests and direct action against oppression around the world - the Arab spring for example.
I am curious as to why such astoundingly rich companies are apparently 'free', and that makes me suspicious.
Sadly, Greenwich Council appears to be unwilling or unable to press them on this - it shouldn't have to take all the flak, but it hasn't handled this well at all.
As for the spreading of far-right social media rubbish, including on here...
Greenwich council worker recieves death threats.
No one questions the flowers and bike by the junction of the old greenwich hospital, no one questions the Stephen Lawrence plaque. Because it’s the right thing to do. (Some May disagree) And Lee Rigby having a plaque at the spot where he was brutally and savagely murdered is also right. The fact people want to make it political and accuse people of racism is a joke. It’s about right and wrong and respect. Don’t make it into something that it isn’t.
If you have forgotten I will quickly remind you. It is because a serving member of the British armed forces was run down with a car, was stabbed multiple times, had his throat cut and an attempt was made to remove his head in broad fucking daylight on a UK street in the Borough of Greenwich by Islamic extremist scum who were radicalised on Greenwich Council's watch in one of their so-called community centres on Glyndon.
Hope that jogs your memory a little bit!
When this tragic incident took place, a lot of people witnessed it, a lot of people saw the thing unfold and were deeply affected by it. I know all the Ambulance crews who were involved, I know some of the Police involved.
The public would like a public place where they can visit, where they can pay their respect too him. Yes there is a memorial to Lee in the chapel but it isn't solely for him, it is dedicated to a lot of others too. It's also situated in a closed chapel that is locked up, so are you actually able to view it? Place flowers beside it?
It seems to me that all they are asking is for a place where those people can pay their respects to a fallen hero. I can't see much wrong with that.
It must take a lot of wasted energy to be so hateful.....
The far right have used his death to stir things up for their own ends - anyone who sympathies with that has pretty dodgy ideals.
There are lots of constructive things that can be done rather than stirring up hatred.
- the family attended the unveiling. How many do you need?
Whose benefit is the unnoficial one for? It just gives the angry brigade something to mouth off about. Maybe they could do some voluntary work instead or donate to a forces charity.
Maybe they could go and threaten the council workers or bosses when the unofficial tributes are removed because obviously that's the way to behave.