Right - now its over I can comment on it.
Words can't express how much I was pissed off to have to miss the match. I was so keyed up when I heard about it - only to find out within a week that it clashed with the most important three days of the year for me at work. No amount of howling, begging, crying or pleading would have made any difference - no work this week - no job next.
So I have deliberately not said a word about it ever since I found out, as it would have only depressed me. Seeing the pictures and hearing about the day, reading how much money was raised and readin the posts about it has only made it worse for me

I'm glad everyone had such a great time, and so proud of all the money raised - there can't be another club like ours in the country. please though, spare a thought for me - if anyone else says how great the day was I'll shoot myself...
There HAS to be another one next year!
I feel for you I really do...............it was a corker.
I agree with you.
It MUST happen again!
the swelling has gone down now but I'm still on crutches. thankfully i didn't fracture my fib, but i was devastated on Monday night and pretty inconsolable all of Tuesday. sounds like you guys had a great time, and I'm glad the pathetic came away with a 1-0 victory, it looked a dead cert pen from where i was hobbling!!!
I was only going to be a linesman as I felt I wasn't up to playing but seeing some of the biftas on show I should have agreed to play. Having said that I would not have been able to anyway as I am still suffering from getting knocked off my bike. I will definitely do it if it is arranged again.
Same date next year ;-)