Can someone help me out please?
I keep receiving notifications about the England cricket via e-mail. Those cricket lads are very busy and I'm having to clear dozens of emails every time I check my mail.
How can I block these please? Nothing personal cricket bods, you're probably all lovely people........
You've clicked to bookmark the thread, and your settings are probably to receive email notifications for bookmarked threads.
If viewing via mobile, look down the Recent discussions list till the title you are receiving emails for, then on the right hand side will be a star. You must already have clicked it once to trigger the bookmark, simply click it again
That should make it possible for you to stop them.
Go to the star in the top right corner, click on it and hopefully you will either have 'unbookmarked' it or will get the option to do so.
Don't hide your light under a bushel, Len ;-)
Award for shortest thread?