Two versions of the same song by different artists. Listen without prejudice and say which you prefer and why.
This week mellow pop/rock v "UK pop reggae"
So is it the 1972 original by Bread or the 1974 cover from Ken Booth?
No other versions, not even the Boy George one.
But the fact is the song more suits the approach by Ken Booth, so he wins for me.
I'm more familiar with the soft reggae version of the song, but through the Boy George cover from 1987 which is in that style
I prefer the chorus in the Ken Booth version, but the verse of the Bread version. If the drums were marginally less intrusive, then I'd say Bread, but... Oh man. The song lends itself very well to both styles.
Given the context of the song (thanks for enlightening me Greenie!), I think Bread shade it - just. Whew.
I love both versions but Bread shades it.
Very good song to start off with, puts Bread in the lead, then they have their heavily produced version, almost formulaic with predictable 'layers' being added stage by stage, maybe overdressing good material. It's as if Bread have macheted through the Jungle and planted a great seed in a sunny clearing for Ken Boothe to tend.
In terms of rhythm and touch, and sheer joy in the sound I find the Ken Boothe version pretty irresistible, but it certainly helps that Bread wormed it's way into my head initially.
Sort of 3.5 to 3 in Boothes favour.