Currently have a flash sale on . £29 each way from London or Ebbsfleet to Paris, Lille , Calais & Brussels or £35 to Brugge, Gent or Antwerp between 28th September and 9th December . A really good deal
Currently have a flash sale on . £29 each way from London or Ebbsfleet to Paris, Lille , Calais & Brussels or £35 to Brugge, Gent or Antwerp between 28th September and 9th December . A really good deal
They usually have an 'Any Belgian Station' option on the dropdown as the same price, which for me, once, I thought, having to get to Luxembourg for work,would be really cool and cheap coz I could go all the way to Arlon, which is on the Belgium/Lux border and then sneak over to Lux. Little did I know, but they clearly knew this trick and the inspectors jumped onboard the train at Arlon and 'nicked' anyone going on to Lux with an 'Any Belgian Station' ticket - including Moi.