I thought this was a hugely Buddhist country?
This Rohingya crisis is showing the so-called peaceful religion's darkest side. It's absolutely horrific and is bordering on becoming a genocidal situation.
Wirathu calls himself the Buddhist Bin Laden... How can someone claiming to be the equivalent of such a man be praised and believed by so many. He is souring the world view on another religion. Why is it that people like this cannot just live and let live when their religious belief systems differ?
Does anyone else think the UN needs to get involved to stop the waves of murder that have begun to occur. Surely the murder of innocent Muslims needs to be stopped, just as it should for anyone of anyone being attacked or killed purely for their belief system?
Why are Pakistan and Bangladesh not offering asylum to these innocents as they try to flee genocide? It's not the first time that Muslim countries have not offered asylum to Muslims in need.
Mods - Feel free to close if this doesn't seem appropriate.
They can all form an orderly queue and kiss my arse.
You cannot attack innocents because of the guilty. That's like tv/movie villain logic.
Reminds me of the scene in "The Falklands Play" where they are discussing Zimbabwe....and they still refer to it as Rhodesia.
then to that list you can add Mumbai (Bombay) and a few others. It seems as soon as we leave a country they want to re-name it. I realise some are being changed back to an original or local name, but it does rankle with me. Another entry to the "things that annoy you" thread.
It is ridiculous that Aung San Suu Kyi has not had her Nobel Peace Prize withdrawn, this is not the first time this has happened under her watch. I know she can not control the military, but if she put the same effort into trying, rather than focusing on stopping a conversation happening in the UN, we might see some progress.
Her weasel words are utterly sickening. She denies knowledge of mistreatment of any "citizens". The Rohingya have never been recognised as citizens in Myanmar, so what passes for her conscience is clear. Buddhist my arse, she was born into the ruling military elite and her true colours are on show for all to see.
The silence from all the world leaders who nailed their flags to her pole, when she was touted as the figurehead of a freedom and democracy campaign, is sickening. ASSK and the murderous regime she wholeheartedly endorses should be slated as pariahs, suspended from the UN, widespread sanctions imposed, and vilified in the strongest terms by the international community. They are no better than the crackpots in Pyonyang and Damascus. The rape and slaughter of minorities by ruling majorities is the same throughout history, abominable.
The Nobel organisation has no structure for revoking its awards but the silence from them is as sickening as the silence from all other areas.
Religion has absolutely nothing to do with this in reality. It's about nationalism and immigration.