So, on the jokes thread, I mentioned the sex pistols on live teatime tv and it got me thinking about other memorable tv moments... the Kennedy newsflash sprang to mind straight away. The SAS at the Iranian embassy. The moon landing....what else ?
I guess we should give the 2nd arsenal goal at Liverpool the credit it deserves. Everybody I know was watching that night and cheered that one against Liverpool...sorry KR
Oh, not that kind of TV.
“Your dogs got tits”
Loved it
Has to be
Zammo on grange Hill
The shuttle blowing up
Maradona hand ball
And cheggas with his knob out
oh yes there was.
30 years ago next week.
Max Hastings reporting from The Falklands. " I counted them all out & I counted them all back"
"You spoke to him about the technicalities of the deal in German?""
England 5 - 1 Germany