Does anyone want to share any DIY tips that may make things easier for other lifers? I'll start with when drilling a hole into a wall for shelves or pictures etc, after marking with a pencil gently tap a masonry nail on the mark. This will stop the drill bit sliding off the mark. You never know among the comedic replies we may discover some good ideas.
it's either one or the other usually and occasionally, in taking that step back and thinking about asking the internet you solve it
The key is knowing your limits, very basic electrical work can be learned, you would also be amazed how resourceful you can be when water is fizzing out of a pipe and you blindly reach for the oxyacetalene torch and solder you only bought from lidls because you wanted to have one and all of a sudden split copper pipes hold no fear. and if clutsyingly trying to do that fails, you can gaffer tape the mother's out of it and that should hold until the pro turns up
oh, sorry.....wrong DIY.
And I get paid ok for that
Doing shit indoors let's say, decorating a room and laying new flooring, replacing radiators that type of thing is gratis time in terms of my time, the finished effect will not bring me satisfaction because I am not a decorator, a plumber, a spark or a floor layer so whilst I can get by nothing will look as professional because it wasnt done by a pro. And for me to do something like that to a good standard will take me time, time I could be earning doing something I'm a solid 8 maybe 9 out of ten at depending on the day and weather. Decorating will enthuse me for about a millisecond before I'm wasting a Saturday I could have gone in and earned plenty of money to pay a professional mate to come round and do a job professionally. If time was no object I'd do loads of DIY. Doing a shift, coming home to a building site I need to affect, I have done before and it is not fun.