I like Charlton and had a cat that wore a 1980s hat (see avatar). Oh, and I once played a season in goal for a Sunday team who were (very) desperate and was ironically nicknamed 'Felix' for my distinctly un-catlike performances
I'm named after the great man Chris Powell. I hadn't realised I had pressed / several times until after I confirmed the name. I tried to go back & change it but wasn't able to
Thought we had done this thread recently and was shocked to just discover it was over 7 years ago. Anyway...
When i was on a lads holiday in Malia in 1996, we were staying just outside the resort and had to get this clapped out bus into the strip at night. It was known as the 'Bar Tram', and the driver was this crazy Greek guy called Afkandris, who kept saying 'call me Afka man'. So it become known as Afka's Bar Tram. Wonder if he still does it.
Anything than admit it was your user name on a spanner forum you frequented.
I'm named after the great man Chris Powell. I hadn't realised I had pressed / several times until after I confirmed the name. I tried to go back & change it but wasn't able to
My name is Nigel and I really support Chrystal Palarse.
Addickted is ironic as I'm really here to wind all you clowns up.
I'm 42, live with my parents in Purley and my girlfriend left me in 2008 for a Border Collie. I've dressed in black for home games ever since to pay homage to her in the hope we can rekindle our relationship and enjoy Trival Pursuits and Line dancing once again.
My name is Nigel and I really support Chrystal Palarse.
Addickted is ironic as I'm really here to wind all you clowns up.
I'm 42, live with my parents in Purley and my girlfriend left me in 2008 for a Border Collie. I've dressed in black for home games ever since to pay homage to her in the hope we can rekindle our relationship and enjoy Trival Pursuits and Line dancing once again.
Thought we had done this thread recently and was shocked to just discover it was over 7 years ago. Anyway...
When i was on a lads holiday in Malia in 1996, we were staying just outside the resort and had to get this clapped out bus into the strip at night. It was known as the 'Bar Tram', and the driver was this crazy Greek guy called Afkandris, who kept saying 'call me Afka man'. So it become known as Afka's Bar Tram. Wonder if he still does it.
I've always assumed AFKA was Artist Formerly Known As
I might carry on assuming that because your story is ridiculously far fetched.
My name is John and at work in my early twenties back in 1992 had a particularly bad cold flu type thingy and was coughing my guts up. Someone said something like 'there goes one of his lungs' and I became Johnny One Lung at work. Had that as my user name on BBC 606 and Charlton Babes forum but got locked out on Charlton Babes and re-registered as MrOneLung.
Back in the netaddicks days I was Talal_el_Willscori after he went on a bit of a run. Then he left. Did consider Won'tScoriAnyMori but too many characters...
Now I'm a disgraceful fatso who wanks too much, needs two days to deal with a hangover and gets out of breath after 2 minutes on the heavy bag.
If she hears you calling her that mate you're in trouble :-)
2 minutes sounds impressive to me!
I'm getting really good at it now, I can do it really quickly.
It's probably for the best, I look like a dropped lasagne when I take my clothes off, the wife still looks fine, so out of grudging respect I try and get things done as quick and painlessly as possible for both of us and limit the resentful, disappointed silence after by rolling over and starting to fart instantly. That's after thumbing in a wobbly one
My name is Nigel and I really support Chrystal Palarse.
Addickted is ironic as I'm really here to wind all you clowns up.
I'm 42, live with my parents in Purley and my girlfriend left me in 2008 for a Border Collie. I've dressed in black for home games ever since to pay homage to her in the hope we can rekindle our relationship and enjoy Trival Pursuits and Line dancing once again.
My name is Nigel and I really support Chrystal Palarse.
Addickted is ironic as I'm really here to wind all you clowns up.
I'm 42, live with my parents in Purley and my girlfriend left me in 2008 for a Border Collie. I've dressed in black for home games ever since to pay homage to her in the hope we can rekindle our relationship and enjoy Trival Pursuits and Line dancing once again.
Being a particularly pious gentleman, I wanted to take the name of and early christian saint. I chose St Ignatius of Antioch so that I could remember the early martyrs and the debt we owe to them. St Ignatius of Antioch was quite a lot to key in though so I contracted it to Stig.
Let's be honest this is who u are named after really
Addickted is ironic as I'm really here to wind all you clowns up.
I'm 42, live with my parents in Purley and my girlfriend left me in 2008 for a Border Collie. I've dressed in black for home games ever since to pay homage to her in the hope we can rekindle our relationship and enjoy Trival Pursuits and Line dancing once again.
You're 44
I might carry on assuming that because your story is ridiculously far fetched.
It's probably for the best, I look like a dropped lasagne when I take my clothes off, the wife still looks fine, so out of grudging respect I try and get things done as quick and painlessly as possible for both of us and limit the resentful, disappointed silence after by rolling over and starting to fart instantly. That's after thumbing in a wobbly one
Eventually I got to Raith Chattonell, but was left with a solitary C. Mmmm what could I do with that?
It took me 6 months!