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Robinho- 9 years

edited November 2017 in Not Sports Related
For Rape, long Italian appeal process still to go through before he does any time I think.


  • Firstly you have to wonder what goes through people’s heads when they do this kind of thing.

    Secondly why would someone with so much going for him need or want to do this.

    His life is ruined

    The mind boggles
  • Shocking. Bizarre to have such a serious trial in Italy when the defendant was back in Brazil
  • Italian law is really weird, they can have trials if the defendant is not even there to defend themselves.

    I guess it's now a question of whether Italy and Brazil have an extradition treaty and how much the Italians want to pursue it.

    My bet would be that $$$$ will talk and he'll pay a 'settlement fee' which will be trousered by the Italian courts and some will also go to the poor bloody victim.
  • edited November 2017
    "Robinho has a right to two appeals and Italy would seek extradition only once this legal process is exhausted. However, Brazil does not allow for the extradition of its own citizens, meaning he would risk arrest and deportation only if he was stopped in a third country."

    So if he just chills in Brazil for the rest of his life, he'll never serve any time.
  • Yeah, but Trump, right?
  • Swisdom said:

    Firstly you have to wonder what goes through people’s heads when they do this kind of thing.

    Secondly why would someone with so much going for him need or want to do this.

    His life is ruined

    The mind boggles

    Im not sure being a rapist stops once youve reached a certain point in life... only have to look at hollywood atm for that
  • "Robinho has a right to two appeals and Italy would seek extradition only once this legal process is exhausted. However, Brazil does not allow for the extradition of its own citizens, meaning he would risk arrest and deportation only if he was stopped in a third country."

    So if he just chills in Brazil for the rest of his life, he'll never serve any time.

    As long as he controls himself in his own country, of course.
  • I heard about his involvement in a similar incident in Manchester years ago where the victim had her drink spiked, so he's got form here. I really hope he ends up in prison.
  • Brazil is by all accounts an absolute hellhole when it comes to the treatment of women
  • Is Brazil still the sort of place where gangsters can run away to escape in?
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