To mark the Museum's third birthday (yes, we've been open three years as of yesterday 28 November 2017) we're having a special Red Friday sale.
Which is just like all our other sales but branded with a catchy, totally rip off, title.
Essentially we've got lots of nice items you can buy for your Charlton supporting friends and relatives or just for yourselves.
All queries about cost, postage, collection etc ask
@charltonnick as he is the man who does all the work. I'm just publicity.
These are all on Ebay but again speak to Nick.
We're open on Friday 1 December and some, but not all, items will be available there.
We've got lots of 1950s programmes like this one for sale (don't worry, we have copies in the museum already, these are doubles)
£6.95 plus p & p
Only a quid
All here