Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald by Gordon Lightfoot. I heard it on Radio 2 a couple of months ago & the haunting lyrics just grabbed me. I knew of Gordon Lightfoot as I had one of his songs of a compilation tape I bought about 25 years ago (the days when you only had a tape deck in your car along with the radio) but wish they had chosen this one instead of "if you could read my mind"
Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald by Gordon Lightfoot. I heard it on Radio 2 a couple of months ago & the haunting lyrics just grabbed me. I knew of Gordon Lightfoot as I had one of his songs of a compilation tape I bought about 25 years ago (the days when you only had a tape deck in your car along with the radio) but wish they had chosen this one instead of "if you could read my mind"
Surprised he's not been on the radio more.