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Asterix Nostalgia

On having a sort out of old things - I found all my old Asterix books. I recall what a treat it was to get a new one I hadn't read. Tintin was great too but Asterix was the best. I tried to get my son into them I recalla few years back, but he wasn't interested. I think Asterix in Britain was my favourite largely down to the rugby match, but so many great stories, a hard choice. Asterix the Legionary was up there too. Any other Asterix fans here? What was your favourite?


  • sorry but Tintin for me.
  • Just looking at these books that nobody wants to read and wondering how many of us Asterix fans are out there :)
  • Yes I enjoyed them. Lots of subtle humour.
  • Asterisx all day long I flirted with tin tin but no I was an asterisx man. Those were the days
  • Been an Asterix fan since I was a little kid when I always had at least one out on loan from the library.

    Lucky Luke was another enjoyable character by Rene Goscinny. Somehow, the French always seem to do cowboy comics better than the Americans.
  • Asterix theme park in northern France. Never been but supposed to be decent.
  • Passed it a few times on route to Disneyland Paris. I always thought to myself I would rather be going to that park but I'm sure my wife and son would not have agreed!
  • I used to collect the Asterix stand up card figures given away with Weetabix.
  • I was a big fan back in the day and loved the books. It got a bit spoilt for me when Gérard Depardiu did the film and never really hit the heights again.

    I'm also a massive TinTin fan and love the tshirts.
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  • Always found them fun to read.
  • Loved Asterix and Tintin. Always used to love it when Obelix would eat about 5 Roast boars, I always used to think that looks delicious I could do that, but I was a really fat kid!
  • edited January 2018
    never really got into Tintin but I was a huge fan of Asterix.

    agree with @MuttleyCAFC the Britain one was really good. love it when the Brits stop during a battle to have a cup of tea. which was just hot water and milk as tea leaves hadn't been introduced yet.
  • our dog was called Asterix originally.
  • I preferred Tintin mainly because of Captain Haddock, who is an absolute favourite of mine, but did enjoy Asterix too. The book I most enjoyed was the Roman Agent(?) one where this little Roman bloke manages to get everyone turning against each other. It seemed pretty sophisticated for a kid’s read, at the time, and I must have been about 20 :wink:
  • Asterix was about all I’d read as a kid loved them.

    Can’t remember the exact title, but the one based on the 12 task of Hercules was a good one.
  • I used to collect the Asterix stand up card figures given away with Weetabix.

    YES !!! that takes me back. As I said before, I wasn't really into Asterix but I did collect those cards.
  • I had all the books pre about 89, then my parents just lent to a French bloke the knew to help him learn English. Grrrrrr. Not seen any of them since.
  • I had them at home in english, they had them in the school library in french, people who were good at French used to say things like ‘oh they are sooo much funnier in French’.

  • LOVED asterix
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  • Loved Asterix... Have always been a fan of the Roman era etc. so was an added bonus for me

    Never even touched a TinTin book
  • I had them at home in english, they had them in the school library in french, people who were good at French used to say things like ‘oh they are sooo much funnier in French’.


    I've got a couple of Tintin books in French (it's pronounced something like Tantan, in France) - my French GF loves them, has every single title.
    I also use them to practice my French, with the clever drawings and sometimes subtle humour, I find them a big help and quite easy to read in French.

    I've also got one Tintin book translated into Cornish!
    And yes, I find it quite easy to read.

  • Loved Asterix. Cleopatra one my favourite. The cartoon was weird but had a really catchy french song. Quite like tintin, and herge did another series called Joe zette and Jocko (I think) about siblings and their pet monkey. They were good.
  • The first Asterix book I saw was in French, the Olympics one, which my brother brought back from a school trip. I got into them a few years later. Very clever and very funny.
  • Loved Asterix and the Gladiator, also Britain and, as 3 blokes said, the Roman Agent. Ashamed to say that Asterix accounts for my knowledge of ancient history!
  • edited January 2018
    I've never 'got' Tintin but I love Asterix. Sadly, it went downhill when the writer passed away but up to then it was one of the most consistently funny books around.

    I've got a couple in the original French (Chez les Belges, Tour de Gaul) which are hard going but worth it. They show the original inventiveness with the names which have in some cases been improved upon in English. The druid is Panoramix which is not as good as the English Getafix, the dog is Idéfix which means the same as the English Dogmatix but of course that works better as it's a dog.

    The dig at the British stopping for hot water is perhaps not unwarranted. I have read that during the Germans' evacuation of Sicily in WW2, they knew they had a good chance of getting across the Straits of Messina unmolested when the RAF would be taking their afternoon break.
  • The English translation was excellent. I wondered if they created their own jokes rather than did straight from one to the other translations. I do also have an older and newer version of Asterix in Britain, where there have been some changes to the text.

  • I used to read Asterix to my son for bedtime stories when he was 9 or 10 years old.
    It was an important part of our him and me time together.

    Had a root around and found his Asterix 'The Warrior' book with 6 complete adventures.

    I've also found my Asterix French edition of 'Le Ciel Lui Tombe Sur La Tete', which this thread has inspired me to read again.

  • edited January 2018
    I still quote Obelix when I have to cut a cake, in reference to Asterix and Cleopatra. (2 small slices for Panoramix & Asterix ... and the rest for me : ) )
    PS : Lucky Luke was made by Morris (alias for Maurice) ... a Belgian ... not French . Later on ... Goscinny wrote the scenario's ..
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