So, speed reading through the Times on the tube this morning and I passed over an article about Canada, I think it mentioned their national anthem, I didn’t actually read it, and it started me off thinking that I probably wouldn’t recognise it for what it represented if I heard it unless somebody announced beforehand it was the Canadian national anthem. Which then made me realise I’d probably only be able to come up with our national anthem, the yank’s, the French and the German one (hopefully the right one anyway).
Obviously Scotland the Brave and Men of Harlech are instantly recognisable and rousing tunes but unless i was watching a rugby match would I realise people were singing the Irish one ?, possibly not.
Clearly shamefully very little Englander of me but as for any other country’s national anthem, are there any good and memorable ones out there ?
Surely you'd recognise the Italian and Spanish anthems, and Brazilian? What about the Russian...all are very familiar.
Dont think I could ever forget the Jamaican one... England played them @ Old Trafford prior to one of the World Cup's and remember that going on for almost 10-mins
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
The Russian anthem is very recognisable.
And I bet everyone on here knows Oben am jungen Rhein, the Liechtenstein National Anthem
Canadian national anthem
Forgot about advance Australia fair and god defend New Zealand, i’d recognise those, though whether many others would I’m not so sure.
Can’t think of how the south African one goes...
O Canada is the very first words!!
French, Italian, German all recognisable, ours is painstakingly slow and boring though
Welsh, Scottish, French and German are all great anthems. The EU's anthem is pretty damn fine as well - tricky to better a tune from Beethoven!! Probably a prime reason for Brexit!
But on the other hand it's short and easy to sing. How many other anthems get sung by the fans in the way England fans will sing it at the start of the second half?
2. Germany
3. France
1,683 Great Britain