the actor who played Hoss in Bonanza was the largest baby ever born in Bowie county Texas. That's the closest I can get on this question
Bet that made his mum's eyes water!
I was at a party on millennium night chatting to @1905 and his mum. For those that don’t know him, he’s a big lad. I was wankered by this point and suddenly heard myself telling her that he must have made her eyes water on the way out. Once I realised what I’d done, I couldn’t believe I’d said it. Luckily she saw the funny side.
It was also the night I asked my wife to marry me so my big mouth had a lot to answer for the next morning.
Album is Lodger, think that was the one after Low and Heroes, Boys Keep Swinging on that? Know if I had a pound for every time someone asked me if I lived on The Ponderosa etc. every time I'd mention my second name...
Watches Ponderosa through the door
His trick is you and me boy.
Ziggy period (I may have a chance) or after?
It was also the night I asked my wife to marry me so my big mouth had a lot to answer for the next morning.
The prize is a night on the dance floor with Roland at a club of your choice.
Let me know the venue as soon as poss. Roly was really keen, when I pitched him the idea.