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Remeber that Barclays promotion where you could win a contract at your club?

edited October 2006 in General Charlton
Well i thought no harm in entering... Get a letter yesterday from the bank expecting to tell me that i'm over my overdraft and here is a £30 fine etc... But no it tells me i've made it to the Charlton XI giving me a 1in 11 chance of winning a Charlton squad number, training session, signing on fee and chance to play on the pitch! Even if i don't win the big prize I get a shirt with my name on it and corporate hospitality for a game. I'm like a school boy today...absolutely chuffed My dream as a kid (and if i admit it still is) was to play for charlton!

So who wants a shirt with my name on it?!


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    That is superb Mr T.

    We'll be the ones singing 'your not fit to wear the shirt'

    good luck !
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    Someones gotta win it, why not you...?
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    At least a squad shirt will be smarter than the usual rags you wear for work.......

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    nice one

    take Lisbie's number...I doubt he'll be needing it
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    sorry pal - KinveachyAddick is going to win that!
    You'll see me on the pitch doing a little jig when my name gets pulled out...
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    You'll struggle to put that over the back of the shirt!

    So thats 2 'lifers' involved then, I'll buy every lifer a pint should i win!
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    Super, free beer! good on ya dood, and good luck.
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    Good luck mate.
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