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God , No God , Agnostic ... or Heathen

My life was profoundly changed by my decision aged 18 to follow the teachings of JC. It most likely saved my life in a literal sense , gave me a values framework, a sense of purpose and a career that has taken me all over the world and has made the potential of people my driver for life

In a meta sense belief in God makes logical sense to me. In a local sense it’s obviously beneficial, and faith has had huge benefits globally and Sustains the lives of most of the worlds population

Looking forward to your views



  • Almost got sucked in by it all about 10 years ago. Thanks be to Richard Dawkins for helping me see the light.
  • Spirituality is to be applauded imo, I wish I had some.

    Organised religion is evil and awful, if it wouldn't push it underground I would ban it.

    However religion is the best source of outstanding buildings we have.
  • Cafc43v3r said:

    Spirituality is to be applauded imo, I wish I had some.

    Organised religion is evil and awful, if it wouldn't push it underground I would ban it.

    However religion is the best source of outstanding buildings we have.

    I agree . Churches and cathedrals are magnificent places .
  • Believe in God. Not because it 'helps' me - I just believe in God.
  • God is a bunch of phoneybaloney
  • Leaburn was a God to me.
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  • Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine.
  • A vicar told me I live in a state of original sin. I said nah, it's all been done before.
  • I personally believe in a "multiple universe theory".

    I haven't heard anyone try to promote that particular idea....I basically just made it up.

    A big bang suddenly going from...absolutely a something.

    So 15 billion years ago...there was simply just, f*ck all?

    I think the universe is almost just like one enormous giant forever growing thing...which came from something else. Almost like, something (a different and or older universe "gave birth to it" or somehow produced it.

    We are also absolutely not alone in this universe.

    Life is 100% inevitable on somewhere other then earth. It just has to be. It might not even be "life" ....could be some extremely obscure insanely shocking biological but natural creation. Nothing like animals...I don't know. Who knows?

    Earth is obviously unique special and obscure within our solar system...but it really seriously can not possibly be the only place that has "life"

    I could go on forever...but I will stop there....

    I really do not believe in any god whatsoever. I think everyone and everything is really starting to just completely forget about that now.

    It's still good to be agnostic though. There are so many things we don't know.

    The Universe is the most intriguing and interesting subject in my opinion.

    If I could go back to being age 10....I would probably end up working for NASA, or whatever the European one is called. Obviously if anyone could go back to being a kid and knowing what they know now....they would have an insanely positive advantage.

    I suggest believing in cool interesting surprising things. Things that are also rather positive. Not "religion" ....something fresh but positive.

    Don't bother believing in God now. With respect, the world has moved on and there is no more room for that kind of stuff anymore.

    Still, if it makes you happy, then great.

    It's just we have Hubba Ultra Deep Fields (basically just an insanely powerful telescope) that contains just the right amount of Radiation (ultraviolet level I think) to be able to see incredible distances.

    We can see galaxies where the light distance is so extremely far....we are actually looking at something that was just 500million years after the big bang.....when obviously the present day is roughly 13.7billion years after the big bang.

    The light travel is showing us such a deep past. Quite amazing stuff.
  • With no disrespect to you @holyjo I’m going to close this thread. Religion threads historically never end well on here and late Saturday night really isn’t the right time for them. Hope you understand
This discussion has been closed.

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