Hi all. Can all those people who have Sky Q explain to me their experiences good or bad? Can you still do manual recording on Sky on it, Such as set time to start and time ro finish etc? I am watching SKQ Q clips but none of them are showing in detail other than reviews which are not great? I have been offered free boxes with a £20 installation but can't commit at the moment as Mum is about to go into sheltered accomodation and as a result of that I will need to find a 1 bedroom flat with the council? Thanks
Positives -
Easy to use simple interface
Useful to watch anywhere in any of the rooms pause and start etc. Watch from the beginning options there a lot.
Voice search is good
Ability to move the boxes round the house without needing a load of wires (watched a lot of the WC outside in the garden etc)
Negatives -
Bit of the hardsell - purchase options of movies are often the first things shown to you on the home screen
Stuff like BT sport is still only locked to one box so you can't even watch the recordings on other boxes
Not enough 4k content. The occasional game apart.
The boxsets/ Cinema are really useful and updated regularly
quite handy moving from one room to another and continue watching it
It is just normal sky but with a few gadgets, if you are paying similar or not much more then go for it.
One of the rooms in the main house the picture isn't as good when watching sports, not sure if thats because of the TV (Although we have same TV in another room and works fine)
Biggest issue for me is the connection, but as i live in an area where i always seem to get connection problems anyway that might be a big factor.
If you've got one box, no issue.
If you've got more than one box, you may or may not run into issues.
Consider the following diagram (ha, sounds like a GCSE physics text book!)
Right. Virgin fibre comes in. Through my mesh network and out into the Sky Access Point (AP) thing via an ethernet switch so the Q boxes are connected.
No issue with the main Q box in the same room, it communicates properly and has never gone down in the 12 months we've had it.
Mini Q box in reception room 2 (left hand side) wont communicate with AP in living room so Sky installed AP1 in the hallway. It still struggles and has a really low connection rating (on the engineers ipad thing he was using). Mini Q box in the kitchen/diner (top half) refuses to speak to AP or anything plugged in where AP2 or AP3, no matter what side of the wall. That TV just connects through AP1.
Service is intermittent at best. Picture can freeze for a few seconds every hour and is a proper PITA.
Sky blame the thickness of our walls and the only solution they can offer is by connecting the whole lot by ethernet. Sky gave us the option on keeping it or doing away with it altogether. There is no discount for a substandard service which is currently offers.
When it works it is good. When it doesn't, I get it in the ear from my wife and it proper pisses me off.
To be fair, my mesh network also struggles a little. I've got one node by the router and one by the tv in the kitchen/diner and they are just on the realms of good-to-fair connection.
The automatic series link thing is a PITA too btw. Don't know if you can turn it off. Just because I've watched one episode of Homes Under The Hammer doesn't mean I want to record every single episode of every single series in existance.
FFS, Sky Q is a proper swear word in our house right now!
I like the fact that I can view photos on the tv by connecting my phone. I love Sky Q and would recommend
It just records anything and everything!
No problems so far and used both boxes for different things and all is working well for now just have a thin cable running outside our garden but will fix it to the wall.
We are pleased so far
I plugged in some Powerline adaptors and it works very well, (you need at least the 1000mbps devices)
Initially had some issues with the mini box but all ok now. Integrated Netflix coming Nov 1st too.
I’m not ecstatic about the recent software upgrade moving your scheduled recordings into a new menu structure though.
I have the main box and two mini boxes. The mini boxes probably do have to be switched back on more often than I'd like but that aside it's a great piece of kit.
I also got a huge discount with Sky that I don't even bother to consider switching to another provider when I used to all the time.
They can shove it, I am already paying nearly £100/m.
It would just be nice to have it all in one place.