You’re lucky to find it these days, Greggs tend to have 72 types of donuts rather than bread pudding.
Greggs and bread pudding is like a Venn diagram with a very small overlap. In two branches I've found bread pudding and in all the others I've been in all I've got is "Bread pudding? What's that?".
I think some of you are confusing bread and butter pudding which is gorgeous, with the far stodgier and unpleasant relative bread pudding
Bread And butter pudding is a absolute treat done well, custard or vanilla ice cream to season and up there with rice pudding, Apple crumble and spotted dick.
I think some of you are confusing bread and butter pudding which is gorgeous, with the far stodgier and unpleasant relative bread pudding
Bread And butter pudding is a absolute treat done well, custard or vanilla ice cream to season and up there with rice pudding, Apple crumble and spotted dick.
I think some of you are confusing bread and butter pudding which is gorgeous, with the far stodgier and unpleasant relative bread pudding
Bread And butter pudding is a absolute treat done well, custard or vanilla ice cream to season and up there with rice pudding, Apple crumble and spotted dick.
Bread pudding is fucking disgusting
Wrong way round. Bread pudding is lovely, bread and butter pudding is disgusting.
I think some of you are confusing bread and butter pudding which is gorgeous, with the far stodgier and unpleasant relative bread pudding
Bread And butter pudding is a absolute treat done well, custard or vanilla ice cream to season and up there with rice pudding, Apple crumble and spotted dick.
Bread pudding is fucking disgusting
Argument Alert has gone into conniptions over far less than this
I think some of you are confusing bread and butter pudding which is gorgeous, with the far stodgier and unpleasant relative bread pudding
Bread And butter pudding is a absolute treat done well, custard or vanilla ice cream to season and up there with rice pudding, Apple crumble and spotted dick.
Bread pudding is fucking disgusting
Some others may be confusing the two but not me. There is a reason I used Bread Pudding as the title of this thread.
Anyone who wants to talk about bread and butter pudding, bugger off to your own thread.
Wash your mouth out with soap! We're not East London. We're not even really South London, despite being the pride of such. We're South-East London, the place that was too good for Arsenal.
Bread And butter pudding is a absolute treat done well, custard or vanilla ice cream to season and up there with rice pudding, Apple crumble and spotted dick.
Bread pudding is fucking disgusting
Anyone who wants to talk about bread and butter pudding, bugger off to your own thread.
Thanks for that, I'll look them up the next time I'm in Bethnal Green.
Oh, wait a minute. Why would I ever go to East London?
Aaaaargument aleeeeert