Apologies if discussed elsewhere but forgot to mention it at the time.
Lacazette headed the ball out of the palm of De Geas single hand and then scored.
This was immediately blew as a foul and the commentators didn't even discuss it.
I couldn't see anything wrong at all, not dangerous, didn't have two hands or complete control of the ball.
Is this ungentlemanly conduct??
Keepers are protected enough but this seemed ridiculous to me.
• the ball is between the hands or between the hand and any surface (e.g. ground, own body) or by touching it with any part of the hands or arms except if the ball rebounds accidentally from the goalkeeper or the goalkeeper has made a save
• holding the ball in the outstretched open hand • bouncing it on the ground or throwing it in the air
so a goalkeeper could hold the ball as if he's a waiter holding a tray above his head and run around the penalty box for six or so seconds if he choose to?
A goalkeeper is considered to be in control of the ball when:
the ball is between the hands or between the hand and any surface (e.g. ground, own body) or by touching it with any part of the hands
or arms except if the ball rebounds from the goalkeeper or the goalkeeper has made a save
holding the ball in the outstretched open hand
bouncing it on the ground or throwing it in the air
A goalkeeper cannot be challenged by an opponent when in control of the ball with the hands.
I can't diagree with that law - the goalkeeper is not the same as an outfield player.
When the ball is not considered to be in control then a goalkeeper is fair game.