Advance train tickets now available on Hull Trains.
Dep Kings Cross 09.48 Arr Doncaster 11.24 £13.50 [£8.90]
Dep Kings Cross 11.48 Arr Doncaster 13.24 prices as above
Dep Doncaster 19.27 Arr Kings Cross 21.15 prices as above
Railcard fares in brackets.
LNER & Grand Central have not released their advanced fares yet,but these will probably be a bit dearer.
Coming home LNER have trains at 17.55 and 18.25 arriving at 19.46 and 20.23 respectively for £14.50.
Third off with railcards.
There are about five pubs within 5 minutes walk of each other next to the train station. If you like a spit and sawdust pub all of these will fit the bill.
Railcard fares in brackets.
Dep Kings Cross 11.48 Arr Doncaster 13.24 £19.00 [£12.55]
Dep Doncaster 19.27 Arr Kings Cross 21.15 £16.00 [£10.55]
Railcard fares in brackets.
Strikes on Arriva Rail North have been suspended after a "major breakthrough" in a long-running dispute over plans to axe guards on trains, a union said.