enough, while I was reading this over lunch, "Who are you?" was playing on the restaurant's system. The Who were one of my favourite bands until they faded from the scene in the early 80's. "Who's Next" is one of my favourite albums of all times, and I still enjoy it today.
So I read about this new album with distinct misgivings, especially when I read this from Daltrey:
"Ours is music to fight to and if it ever loses that fighting edge – which still exists between Pete and I – then I will stop. Because then I will be cheating my audience.”Well I dunno. I listened to "Endless Wire" once, and thought it was a load of old pony. It had none of the energy of that song that was jumping out of the restaurant's speakers just now. Music to fight to? Come off it, Rog. That was music for old farts to drift off to.
Others may disagree :-)
When I went to RD's book launch in October, he came over to our side of the stage on his way out and stopped for a brief chat with people. Someone asked him about new music/tours and he said maybe, even with The Who. Thought he was just saying it to please people but maybe not.
No dates announced for the UK yet, but he's expecting them to do so.
I'll suspend judgement and hope for the best.
You better you bet it was
Only 1/2 of the greatest rock and roll band now...
Roger Daltery’s solo album last year was superb though (one of the best numbers was co written by a poster on here). Townsend played on a few numbers too.
One thing I really felt that Endless Wire was missing though was John Entwistle's thundering bass, arguably as much a part of their signature sound as anything.
What’s with the never go back comment.....they have never been away.
This is from 18 months ago, look at that set list.......barring the Stones most bands would kill for a list like that.
In mitigation, the loss of Keith Moon was a tragedy for everyone, and clearly Townsend has always had his issues which shouldn't be underestimated. Just think someone should tell the pair of them that they sound like Bono at his most bombastic. Which is not a good look.
I'll give that newish Daltrey album a listen though, if @DaveMehmet likes it.
For me theres no Ox or Moonie so it aint the Who.
Example 1, keith moon had all those drums only so he knew he would manage to hit at least some of them...
When roger sang Tea & theatre at the O2 on the Quadrophenia tour (which was immense), I thought that signalled the end of live touring. Seen them since and sadly the spark that made the difference is no longer there although they both try their damned best to do so. Long live rock but those great times will always be with me forever.
As for Roger and his solo career and debut album Daltrey wasn’t great but a couple of my favourites were “giving it all away@ and “one man band@.