family of Brits have been on holiday in New Zealand and their behavior has caused uproar from essentially the entire country. They've behaved so badly that they've been given a deportation notice!!
I'd bet a tenner that they're either Millwall or Leeds
Law abiding UK taxpayers.
Do as you likeys
Two things occur to me, 1 the "Irish travellers" around my area never go on holiday (the rest of Cranbrook would love a break from their shenanigans) and 2 it is a shame they will be allowed back here.
Check out the mouthy little shit.
The UK government should do everything in their power to keep them in New Zealand.
Take him away from this lot and let him live with a normal law abiding family and in ten years time when he is an adult he would be a completely different person.
British passports?
I have many questions.
But mainly, how do they have passports?
Extremely unusual for them to travel (hilarious given their origins).
It really sticks in my throat that they have Irish accents. I bet that wee garcon has never set foot in Ireland.
And most of Ireland can’t stand them either.
British my ar5e.