Boring question but hoping someone on here can give me a bit of advice. Apologies for noob question but it's a new venture for me.
I'm looking to invest in some software & hardware that logs my stock. Essentially we have a stock room with stuff in it. I want to be able to scan stuff in and out and then monitor where that stock is - is it used on a job OR is it in someone's van stock.
So at any given time I know what I have in my stores, what is in each vehicle and what has been used on a job.
Pretty sure I haven't explained myself as clearly as I could have but if anyone can decipher what I am looking for I would be delighted to know more.
thanks in advance
I'm wondering what sort of things other people use. Not scared to invest in something robust but want to make sure it can do exactly what I want...and probably a few things I don't even know I want
Is that stuff general stuff you might need sometime or do you buy in for specific jobs?
If you buy in for specific jobs then a job costing system might do what you appear to want.
Do you log your jobs? Could you not have someone move the picklists for each job as they move as per their incoterms?
It's difficult to answer this question without knowing what kind of things you are moving, what size your company is, and what kind of admin staff you have behind you.
From what I can understand though, it looks like you want something like this.
It should help you accurately track your stock, as well as your moving stock for Year end and month end reconciliations.
I have a problem of stores allegedly being used at a much faster rate than they should be.
Something like this might help, seems to be a plugin for sage. If maintained well, I'm sure your accountant will thank you .