I had an ongoing thing with the council about what I done with my waste from the shop as it goes (99% of which was cardboard and packaging. Literally never had any perishable waste at all).
They wanted to charge me £80 odd a month to "hire"
2 bins, then another £100 to come and empty them. That was on top of the
business rates.
I used to take it to the tip roughly once a week in the back
of my van and pay the minimum fee there of 8 quid. Was one of my most satisfying
moments, showing the environmental health people the receipts to prove that I'd
been legally disposing of the waste without chucking Lewisham Council nearly £180
a month.
How much did the private companies want to charge you?
Alright then, chucking Sita, Biffa etc., etc., £180 odd a month, who were
collecting waste on behalf of Lewisham Council, who were already charging a few
hundred a month Business Rates. But, regardless of the semantics of where the
£180 was directly or indirectly going, you've taken a tiny part of the post and
misunderstood / purposely tried to twist it to try and make yet another boring
incorrect political point. That’s all you seem to want to do
Nb – This was back in ’98 / ’99, so not even sure waste
collection was privatised back then in Lewisham, but no doubt you’ll spend a
large chunk of your Sunday researching it to try and prove otherwise
No Rob. I've spent the last 23 years working alongside people who manage waste and recycling services. You could have told Lewisham Council 'no thanks' for their services and got a contract with a private waste service. Who would probably have charged you more tbh.
You were under a legal responsibility to handle, store, dispose, etc. any business waste properly. Hence you were asked what arrangements you had in place by Environmental Health. They were doing their job, not trying to sell you something.
Still, you had the last laugh so all's well that ends well.
In dartford we have to pay around £45 a month for one wheelie bin (commercial).
Apparently some councils now offer small business rate relief these days too, but I can confirm it wasnt back then. At least not in Lewisham Borough lt wasn't. I did have a bloke come to try and get a reduction in my rates by measuring the shop and how the floor space was used, bugt nothing ever come if it from memory.
rheres a road in Ash /West Kingsdown where ive been following a tipper van who just stops, dumps all his shit on the road (blocking it) and drives away. No visible number plates according to dash cam
it’s always those “salt of the earth” / tarmac laying types who do it! Fucking scum
Agreed. Catching them on video then finding an enforcement officer with capacity to investigate is the challenge.
You were under a legal responsibility to handle, store, dispose, etc. any business waste properly. Hence you were asked what arrangements you had in place by Environmental Health. They were doing their job, not trying to sell you something.
Still, you had the last laugh so all's well that ends well.
The report goes off to the relevant council and it gets picked up/fixed pretty promptly depending on the urgency. Damn good website that.