Last year I asked for advice as where the mother of a young lad with the little known Pitt Hopkins disease may be able to source a new wheelchair and a safe bed as she couldn't get NHS funding. As usual the good people of this site stepped up to the mark with not only advice but somewhere in the region of 3k towards the required 10K. Since then Melissa hasn't sat on her arse. She has done everything from sell bags of sweets, to items from her home. She is truly a remarkable woman who I'm proud to call a friend, TJ had his new chair within weeks of her fund raising efforts starting. Today I received this from TJ, it looks remarkably like Melissa's writing but telling us that TJ has his new "Safe Bed" On behalf of Melissa, TJ and her family, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

I've had numerous battles over the years on behalf of my two daughters who are both wheelchair users. It's a complete lottery as to the provision of equipment etc.
Best wishes to Melissa and TJ.