Any Advice please. I had a blood test recently and my P.S.A is high according to my Doctor(dont know what the readings were) so I have an appointment at my local Hospital for examination which lasts about 2 hours. Can any one tell me what
is involved and the pain/discomfort. Serious answers please, I am worried enough as it is.
Finger up the bum time I'm afraid!
Good luck.
Prostates tend to enlarge with age and an enlargement does not necessarily mean that it is cancerous.
Nowadays prostate surgery is a very last resort even when cancer is found. There are ways to control the problem through medication and radiation.
The trick is not to get too worried, although that is easy for me to say, and to always ask for a second opinion, and that goes for any anxiety causing potential health problem
EDIT I forgot to add that a preliminary examination with involves taking 'samples' from your prostate for analysis is unpleasant. For my part, that should only be done when a dangerous cancer has been pretty much verified. But remember, I write this as a layman
PS A finger up the bum test takes what 10 seconds and is literally no problem at all.
First thing is ask what the PSA score was.
Second, the PSA indicates the size of your prostate, not that you have cancer. An enlarged prostate MAY be an indicator of cancer but it doesn't automatically follow.
There is nothing in your appointment to worry about in my opinion.
They will ask you lots of questions and may give you a digital examination. The finger has a lot of vasaline on it, doesn't hurt and the whole process takes two seconds.
They may suggest or give you a MRI which is like a big x-ray where you lie down for 30 mins while they scan you. No pain and you're clothed.
It's better, in my view, to know than not know. The process is all ok and for you own good.
I hope it all goes ok.
I decided against a biopsy, as although routine, it is not without risks and still misses 20% of cancers anyway.
Even if you have very early stage prostate cancer, these days there is a lot of debate about whether prostatectomy is a superior treatment to simply taking a conservative approach of watching and waiting.
Most older men develop prostate cancer eventually, but usually something else kills them before the prostate cancer does.
As Lincs said, seek a second opinion before making any big decisions as different doctors have different ideas about the best course of treatment according to your age and other important factors.
Hope this helps to put your mind at rest.
If they are unhappy with the scans they may take a scape of it - local anaesthetic- for lab analysis.
Not much pain involved, more discomfort, but better to be safe.
But please remember that you have a right to have an MRI scan if they believe your prostate is either enlarged or cancerous. If you have a two hour appointment it's possible they plan to give you an MRI scan. If they plan to give you a biopsy I'd tell them you want an MRI scan first. This is your right since a NICE ruling about twelve months ago.
Best of luck.
Hope they can deal with it now they know about it.
Sorry to hear your news please keep us posted we are on your team
Stay positive old chap.
Best of luck with your treatments.